View Full Version : Hello From Seattle Washington

12-17-15, 03:13 PM
Hey! I'm new to the forum and the reptile hobby in general. Hoping to gain lots of valued knowledge from this forum and it's members! :)

12-17-15, 07:25 PM
Welcome from a fellow newbie\washingtonian! What reptile have you decided to keep?

12-18-15, 12:18 AM
Welcome! I'm from hell! I mean, I live in Spokane!

12-18-15, 12:32 AM
Welcome from a fellow newbie\washingtonian! What reptile have you decided to keep?

I'm very intrigued by milk snakes. What about you? :)

Welcome! I'm from hell! I mean, I live in Spokane!

Haha! Never been there, but have heard many jokes similar to yours from other native Spokanians ;)

Salty Rob
12-18-15, 02:46 AM
Welcome. The forum has lots of useful info. I kinda have a mini zoo. Lol

12-18-15, 03:58 AM
Welcome :D!