View Full Version : help me pick some tetras
Salty Rob
12-16-15, 02:07 AM
I really want some new tetras to put in my tank. I'm currently wanting some bleeding heart tetras, some ember tetras, or some flame tetras. Pics provided by and are in order. What I'm asking is help me decide which one to get. I'll have to get five or more as they are schooling fish.
12-16-15, 07:43 AM
How big is the tank? How light/dark? Flames tend to be quite dark when fully red and might not be as nice visually. Also stay small so need a bigger school in a larger tank. You could also look at bloodfin tetras.
Tiny Boidae
12-16-15, 08:01 AM
I used to have a tank full of tetras. My favorite were the red minor serpae tetras I had. Very placid animals, beautiful, schooled nicely. I also had two other schools of rummy nosed and neon tetras, both of which I despised. Much more skittish and I'd find them occasionally on my floor, dry as a bone if I were to ever forget to replace the lid for an extended period of time.
It'd also help to know what other animals/plants you have in the tank. Some are just too fragile to go with anything that might be pushy/aggressive. Or some might appreciate a lot of plants more than others.
I haven't worked with any of the species you've suggested, as unfortunate as it is, although I'd place a nickel down for serpae tetras. They look kinda similar to bleeding heart except with longer, flowy fins. I assure you, though, they're two different species.
Salty Rob
12-17-15, 12:25 AM
How big is the tank? How light/dark? Flames tend to be quite dark when fully red and might not be as nice visually. Also stay small so need a bigger school in a larger tank. You could also look at bloodfin tetras.
Tank is a 55 long. I currently have a thread going in the aquatic section with pics. I currently have five red eye tetras, a small pleco, an albino Cory catfish, and a black kuhli loache.
Salty Rob
12-17-15, 12:28 AM
I used to have a tank full of tetras. My favorite were the red minor serpae tetras I had. Very placid animals, beautiful, schooled nicely. I also had two other schools of rummy nosed and neon tetras, both of which I despised. Much more skittish and I'd find them occasionally on my floor, dry as a bone if I were to ever forget to replace the lid for an extended period of time.
It'd also help to know what other animals/plants you have in the tank. Some are just too fragile to go with anything that might be pushy/aggressive. Or some might appreciate a lot of plants more than others.
I haven't worked with any of the species you've suggested, as unfortunate as it is, although I'd place a nickel down for serpae tetras. They look kinda similar to bleeding heart except with longer, flowy fins. I assure you, though, they're two different species.
Thanks for the info. 😀
Oh my favorite tetra are the Congo tetras, I had a school of them in my tank. Very nice peaceful fish and pretty! Yes you can see their teeth, but they never bothered anything I had in with them.
Once they get some size on them they are stunning!
Tiny Boidae
12-18-15, 07:00 AM
Oh my favorite tetra are the Congo tetras, I had a school of them in my tank. Very nice peaceful fish and pretty! Yes you can see their teeth, but they never bothered anything I had in with them.
Once they get some size on them they are stunning!
If you wanna see a tetra with teeth, try the wolf tetra on for size. Not suggesting them, as these guys need a tank to themselves. They're still cool cats regardless.
Salty Rob
12-19-15, 01:56 AM
Dang that's awesome
12-22-15, 12:00 PM
For tetras I don't think you cab beat a school of 9+ black phantoms. The more the better.
Beautiful colours and when they flair at each other they look spectacular...
Salty Rob
12-22-15, 04:25 PM
For tetras I don't think you cab beat a school of 9+ black phantoms. The more the better.
Beautiful colours and when they flair at each other they look spectacular...
Thanks. I haven't yet gotten any. I've had red eye tetras for awhile. Just looking to get them some friends
12-22-15, 05:01 PM
I like rummy nose. They are neat.
Salty Rob
12-23-15, 12:00 PM
I like rummy nose. They are neat.
Nice. I think I might get some of these
12-23-15, 10:57 PM
It depends what colours you need \ like \ fancy ..
Another shout for Black Black Phantoms which are really Black Serpea apparently.
Also Empora \ Emperor Tetras and of course the amazing Neon Tetras .
Silver Tetras are spectacular as well but don't seem too hardy , sadly
Also Scissortails and Ghost Glass catfish. !!!!!
12-24-15, 01:16 AM
If you're after something a bit larger, Colombian tetras (also sometimes called red tailed tetras or jewel tetras) are very nice.
Brilliant silver body and bright red tail and get to 1.5-2" possibly a bit bigger with deep bodies. 5+ (9+ even better) look awesome. Shoal well and peaceful fish.
Salty Rob
12-24-15, 02:16 AM
If you're after something a bit larger, Colombian tetras (also sometimes called red tailed tetras or jewel tetras) are very nice.
Brilliant silver body and bright red tail and get to 1.5-2" possibly a bit bigger with deep bodies. 5+ (9+ even better) look awesome. Shoal well and peaceful fish.
No I'm looking for smaller. Would like a few colorful but not all. I have a 55 long and looking to put something in it. I currently have 5 red eye tetras, a Cory catfish, a baby pleco, a white crayfish, and a black loach.
12-24-15, 02:37 AM
To be honest, a big shoal of 1 type of tetra imo has far more impact that 5 of this and 6 of that.
I'd up the red eyes to 11+ and then 11+ black phantoms for contrast.
You would then have 2 really nice active shoals of attractive but contrasting fish.
An alternative would be to up the red eyes to 11+ then look at a shoal of pencil fish. They stay small, are very attractive and just a bit different. They are totally compatible with tetras and make a slightly usual addition to the tank.
Salty Rob
12-26-15, 08:19 PM
To be honest, a big shoal of 1 type of tetra imo has far more impact that 5 of this and 6 of that.
I'd up the red eyes to 11+ and then 11+ black phantoms for contrast.
You would then have 2 really nice active shoals of attractive but contrasting fish.
An alternative would be to up the red eyes to 11+ then look at a shoal of pencil fish. They stay small, are very attractive and just a bit different. They are totally compatible with tetras and make a slightly usual addition to the tank.
Thanks. Had to look the pencil fish up. They look pretty cool. I might just do that
I like the rummy nose but they can be delicate. I never had problems with them but others have for some reason. And I too like the large schools of them. They are much calmer and some more than others will school. Not all will however. I have had the Congos and Diamond tetras and they both schooled very well. I miss my tanks lol.
12-30-15, 11:29 AM
I can't wait to get started on my 'big' tank, which will hopefully be a 55 gallon. =)
It will be all fresh water and I can't decide between a moxture of tetras and other fish, or possibly a cichlid tank.... I do like the idea of a 'natural' tank with several kinds of fish...and maybe another lobster (or two!)
I can't wait to get started on my 'big' tank, which will hopefully be a 55 gallon. =)
It will be all fresh water and I can't decide between a moxture of tetras and other fish, or possibly a cichlid tank.... I do like the idea of a 'natural' tank with several kinds of fish...and maybe another lobster (or two!)
I tried the cichlids, they were ok but not for me.
My last tank was diamond tetras, congo tetras, bristle nose pleco, about 6 cory cats, platys, a few guppies I could never catch and my lone angel fish :)
Oh and lots and lots of live plants.
I have had saltwater, reef, goldfish and my favorite the planted freshwater tanks. From 10 gals to 125 gal. I do miss my tanks but I needed a break from them. I have had a tank of some sort since 4th grade.
Nothing any prettier than a tank with live plants....sooooo pretty. I put dirt in mine, gravel on top and stuck the plants in and after a while there isn't even a need for filters, the plants do all the work for ya :) Well unless you have cichlids, plants tend to be torn up by them. Still pretty fish though.
Mink, if you can get a 75, much better for depth. Same length as the 55 but deeper :)
12-30-15, 07:48 PM
Good to know!
Where did you get the dirt?
12-30-15, 07:50 PM
Mink, if you can get a 75, much better for depth. Same length as the 55 but deeper :)
I honestly wouldn't have the space for a 75 lol.
The dirt was just plain ole topsoil from Lowes :) As for the gravel I used brown aquarium gravel, I love the natural look.
The depth of a 75 is 18" deep as compared to the 75 which is only like 12". You can do it! lol
I'm thinking once I get a new place I'll get a 75g. I'll try my hand at a planted tank with some nice community fish. One thing I can say with certainty is that I will have loaches. Love those guys.
I'm thinking once I get a new place I'll get a 75g. I'll try my hand at a planted tank with some nice community fish. One thing I can say with certainty is that I will have loaches. Love those guys.
Nice! I use to have those in that tank too, I'm sure I'm forgetting others lol. You will love it!
I tried doing a little planted shrimp tank (3g) a while back, but I didn't keep up with it and I also had moss in there which sort of took over. Hopefully I get something together though. I love keeping fish, just don't have the time, money, or space to do it how I would like to right now. Once the fish in my 29g die out I'll be taking a break for a couple years most likely. But I'm pretty sure the remaining fish are immortal lol.
Larger tanks are much...MUCH easier to keep. What kind of fish do you have? I had zebra fish I thought would outlive me! Tough lil buggers lol.
The only fish remaining are three zebra loaches (had them about 6 years I think) and a rainbow shark who I've had for 10.5 years. I've kept plenty of different freshwater community fish over the years...barbs, gouramis, tetras, rainbow fish, etc. The only thing I have consistently not been able to keep alive are plecos for some reason.
12-31-15, 12:21 AM
@mink. I agree re: a 75 gallon. I have a 55 and at first your think blimey that's huge but in reality its just a bit small for a good number of fish I'd like to keep, particularly in the number I'd like to keep them.
Don't forget the footprint of a 75 doesn't have to be that much bigger but it opens up so many options.
And yes the bigger the tank the easier it is to keep stable.
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