View Full Version : The Dangers of Cohabitation!

12-14-15, 07:21 PM
Ok so a few weeks backs I put a small mediteranean gecko in my leos cage as a feeder, anyway they didn't eat him/her, fast forward to today and I found this, I'm not anti cohabitation but make sure the animals are a similar size, iv'e kept both my leos, a male and female for years in the same cage without incident but imagine if you put a hatchling beardie with an adult beardie so be smart! I guess they killed it an just left it :p


12-14-15, 07:31 PM
Wait, so we shouldn't keep our feeders with our animals!?!?!?!?

I'll be right back ......

12-14-15, 07:42 PM
Would you leave a live rat with a ball python over night?

12-14-15, 08:25 PM
we talking food here or straight out cohabitation?

first...a med gecko isn't gonna take out another gecko (except maybe a smaller med gecko) like a rat could a snake. it's all about relative risk ratios.

second, you put it in for food and now you are surprised they took it apart?

i'm not sure i totally get this.

12-14-15, 08:31 PM
Isn't that the Mediterranean gecko? Wasn't that the intended outcome in the beginning? I mean, ideally there would be nothing left of the feeder afterwards, but...it was meant to be killed, wasn't it?

12-14-15, 10:01 PM
Leos generally don't eat meat anyway....they are insectivores, not carnivores or omnivores....

Why did you put it in there to begin with?

12-14-15, 10:45 PM
Ok sorry I can see how I confused some people, I used this as an example for cohabitation, why people shouldn't house large and small together, and yes the original goal was for it to be eaten but it survived until now, @minkness, 90% +\- of my leos diet is grasshoppers, superworms, mealworms, crickets, abd dubia, about once a month I give them something "untraditional" like pinkies, hatchling anoles, or something like this, i've had them in a bioactive enclosure for about 3 years with 0 problems, since I got them, about 5 years ago, they've eaten unusual prey, if anyone has questions i'll try to answer them.