View Full Version : Talk me out of this!

12-14-15, 12:11 PM
I have that itch...I want another snake....I have empty tubs just begging for an occupant.

While at my local reptile store, I saw a gorgeous tangerine hondo milksnake.

Now, I am a sucker for pretty snakes. Call me shallow if you must, but it's the truth. Now...I have made a promise to get no more snakes until I get the house with my mom....but...but...it's so small! It won't take up any extra room! And, if I trade baby cresties that I haven't been able to sell anyway, it's almost like getting the snake for free!

That is just one thing though....my other is that I love a good display snake. Not one that hides all the time. And, whobis easily handled. This milk spazzes at first but no musking or biting, and seems to relax after the innitial 'capture' (something my MBK never did. If she was in hand, she was desperate to escape!).

What are some pros and cons of this particular kind of snake? Any information about them will help as well.

12-14-15, 12:25 PM
Hondos are pretty chill snakes as adults. However, you're going to have to put up with it hiding a lot and jumpiness. Although I do find that they don't musk or bite, they still don't like to be handled when they are young. Chances are it will be worse than your MBK was for a while.

So it really depends on if you're willing to have a snake that you may not really enjoy having for a while. Within a few years, it will be a great snake. But it will definitely not be out and about or easy to handle at first.

Salty Rob
12-14-15, 12:46 PM
I would jump on it. Handle it every day and it might come to terms with that. Sounds like you really want it.

12-14-15, 12:51 PM
Rob...you are missing the point of this thread lol

But...I do really want it...I just don't want it to be for superficial reasons and turn around not enjoying it (like with my MBK).

12-14-15, 01:15 PM
Is it something you've already wanted for awhile? If not, I wouldn't get it. I won't get something on impulse unless its something I've already wanted awhile. This is what happened with my white lip, he was an impulse buy BUT its something I would definitely get eventually and have already wanted awhile.

Basically what I'm saying is I would save the space for something that you're already sure you want and have wanted awhile.

12-14-15, 01:24 PM
That makes sense. The only snakes I've been wanting for a while though is a boa. I could probably house one with no issues now that I sold all my mice. (Extra tub!). But I also am VERY specific in what kind of boa I want, and plan on waoting till the repticon next august to find something (since I should be in a house by July anyway).

As far as really wanting one....I don't know...I always found them pretty but stayed away because of their reportedly shy nature. I think I'd rather deal with attitude then never seeing it out and about...then again, if I keep it in a small tub, I won't see it much anyway....

Jim Smith
12-14-15, 02:05 PM
Another thing to consider is that Hondos tend to hide the majority of the time. Most of the time I have to hunt in my cages to find the snakes and the smallest Hondo is over three feet long. Great snakes and I really enjoy them, but they are not great display snakes IMHO.

12-14-15, 04:45 PM
Hondos are great with handling if you start working on them young, but they are by no means display animals. I never see mine unless I'm taking her out myself. Even at feeding time, I have to take her hide away or else she'll just stay in there and ignore the rat! Also, I find that milk snakes in general only stay tame if you continue to handle them regularly. Go a few weeks without handling and suddenly they're back to poopy squirmy worm mode.

12-14-15, 04:56 PM

Thanks Panda....I thinknyou just convinced me even more....so...no hondo for me!

They do have alot of other gorgeous snakes though...maybe another carpet....or that gopher/bull cross they have....

12-14-15, 05:22 PM
You gotta get some pics of that gopher/bull cross to share :p

But carpets and pits take up more space and eat more money than a baby hondo ;)

12-14-15, 05:25 PM
I have the space (huge tub) and will spend less money feeding them than the food and bedding on my mice. =)

If I can, I think I'll get the bull/gopher. Been wanting a hypo bull anyway lol.

12-14-15, 06:59 PM
Oooh it's a hypo too? You're really making this difficult...it's hard to find cons with keeping Pits. They do have pretty smelly poo; I know as soon as I get home if one of my Pits has a mess for me to clean up. Pretty nasty stuff.

12-14-15, 07:06 PM
Hondos are great with handling if you start working on them young, but they are by no means display animals. I never see mine unless I'm taking her out myself. Even at feeding time, I have to take her hide away or else she'll just stay in there and ignore the rat! Also, I find that milk snakes in general only stay tame if you continue to handle them regularly. Go a few weeks without handling and suddenly they're back to poopy squirmy worm mode.
Yes, they hide the majority of the time. Mine only comes out to bath when in shed and when he smells mice he pokes his head out. They are absolute wiggle worms as babies.

EL Ziggy
12-14-15, 08:21 PM
I think Pits and Carpets are much better options if you want more of a display snake Mink. I think you'd love a pit. ;)

12-14-15, 08:26 PM
I second the bull choice. Mine was awesome when I had her. And they're a little crazy at first but Lilith was a baby after 4 handlings. I think she's in the walls now, every time we go upstairs my dog sniffs the walls and tries to get in the attic door lol. Hopefully she turns up soon. You need a Pit to round out your collection ;)

12-14-15, 09:11 PM
I'd say if you're set on filling the space, get the bull. Based on what you've said you like in a snake I think a pit would make a nice addition.

12-14-15, 10:03 PM
Thanks guys. I think I'll think about it a bit more. There is also the promis to my mom of no more animals till we move......maybe ai will keep my inner strength...just maybe....

EL Ziggy
12-14-15, 10:39 PM
Stay strong and show your resolve Mink ;). As much as I think you'd enjoy the pit experience it's best to honor your promises. You don't want to make your mom angry. Granted I've promised my gf that I'd get no more snakes every since my 2nd snake. I'm up to 6 and contemplating one final addition next year. I may not be the best example but like you I'm trying to do better :).

12-14-15, 11:21 PM
Thanks Ziggy. =)

12-15-15, 12:20 AM
Ha ha Ziggy I think i had the same convo with mine. But recentky i cauggt her peeking in on the new gray rats lol. Can I ask what addition you're contemplating? You have an awesome collection so far

EL Ziggy
12-15-15, 10:59 AM
Ha ha Ziggy I think i had the same convo with mine. But recentky i cauggt her peeking in on the new gray rats lol. Can I ask what addition you're contemplating? You have an awesome collection so far

Thanks Humble. I need to add a female carpet to the mix. Most likely a diamond x jungle but it could be a super caramel coastal or zebra. I think carpets are my "sweet spot". :D

12-15-15, 11:39 AM
All I can say is GET IT GET IT GET IT! I know Im a horrible enabler. I havent decided exactly what yet but I know Im going to get myself one for christmas. Theres so many things still on my want list Im sure it wont be a hard spot to fill.

12-15-15, 12:28 PM
Lol you're terrible. I have decided to keep to mu promise....for now anyway.

12-17-15, 04:20 PM
Thanks Humble. I need to add a female carpet to the mix. Most likely a diamond x jungle but it could be a super caramel coastal or zebra. I think carpets are my "sweet spot". :D

Very nice, I saw my first carpet at the shelter last night and she looked awesome, bright black and yellows. Though I really like the look of the caramel jaguars. I do have one empty tank...but I can already hear the Pits calling to me for the reptile show this weekend. :rolleyes: