View Full Version : 60"x15" space?

12-07-15, 11:02 PM
So as I play with the idea of a new snake more and more, I was thinking about where I would put an enclosure. The best space I have readily available is 60" long and 15" wide. There is also plenty of space for height. The only issue is that 15" isn't very wide so I'm wondering what species could make the most use of this area, if any. Thanks for the help in advance!

12-09-15, 10:37 AM
You could house a number of colubrids in a space that size. You could also fit two 20 gallons next to one another in that space. Go with something with arboreal tendencies obviously. A nice everglades setup with a big female Everglades Ratsnake would do well in there.

12-09-15, 10:44 AM
Some of the beauties would do well in that space. I have two Chinese beauties and that would work for them.

12-09-15, 11:34 AM
If you could bump the 15" to 18 or 20 you could do something really nice for the good old Gonyosoma (red tailed green rat snake)!!!!

12-09-15, 06:55 PM
I wouldn't put a full grown beauty in that tight of space until you know the animal isn't timid. Even Chinese beauties can reach over six feet and with it being so tight they wouldn't be able to get away from the busy side of the cage. The length and height is fine but I'd be wary about something so shallow. With only 15"to work with you might consider a small species such as garter snakes or other small slender species. They won't have an issue with the depth and they would have a ton of room to navigate. One thing to consider, and I'm guilty of this myself at times, is you don't have to fill a space with the biggest animal possible. Sometimes the nicest setups are large enclosures with small animals.

12-09-15, 07:05 PM
I wouldn't put a full grown beauty in that tight of space until you know the animal isn't timid. Even Chinese beauties can reach over six feet and with it being so tight they wouldn't be able to get away from the busy side of the cage. The length and height is fine but I'd be wary about something so shallow. With only 15"to work with you might consider a small species such as garter snakes or other small slender species. They won't have an issue with the depth and they would have a ton of room to navigate. One thing to consider, and I'm guilty of this myself at times, is you don't have to fill a space with the biggest animal possible. Sometimes the nicest setups are large enclosures with small animals.

I was considering some of the smaller species too, but seeing as I currently have a Spotted Python I wouldn't mind taking a step up in terms of size.

Also, as far as the busy side of the cage, the space in mind is in my bedroom. The only person in there on a regular basis is me, and being a college student I'm not home all that much anyway. But it still does seem like quite a shallow space

EDIT: A further note, one of the colubrids that particularly interests me is Bull snakes. Think one of those would fare well in such a space?

12-09-15, 08:13 PM
Ahahaha neither of my chinese beauties know what timid means so thats why I wouldn't be worried about it for me personally. Plus, whenever mine are out they are lengthwise trying to go up. But the depth is a bit tight if you can push the size like another mentioned that might be better if you don't want a smaller snake.

I probably wouldn't put a bull in something with that depth since they seem to be very thick snakes along with being a decent length. Never owned one though.

12-10-15, 12:23 AM
I agree the 15" depth might be a bit too tight for an adult bull snake. I'd stick with more slender species, especially arboreals as others have suggested. It can be a pretty long species, though.