12-07-15, 11:41 AM
So, I have a total of 8 adult cresties. 2 are rescued males, one of which is not fot for breeding, and the other just doesn't really fit in my breeding plans, but is probably my favorite male. The other 6 are 1.2 trios. One trio is harley/pinner/flame (they make crazy patterned babies) and the other are all yellow, 1 female patternless blusher, and 2 dalmations. Felt on a bit of a photo spree the other day so took some pics. =)
To start things off is my yellow crew.
Pic 1: Jupiter, sold to me as a male yellow dalmation but has seemed to mature into a really NICE cream dalmation instead....I am not complaining. This photo of him is what he looks like 95% of the time. Even when fired up, he's an extremely pale, pastel yellow color. He is also a total scardy gecko and hides just about all of the time and haaaates being handled. Too bad I don't give him a choice lol.
Pic 2: Tango, probably my favorite female out of all my cresties. She was sold as a normal yellow, but has proven to be a NEON yellow and a nice one at that as she blushes a brilliant pink/orange color that is extremely hard to get on photo, but I will keep trying lol. She is a prolific egg producer and is STILL laying eggs from when she was accedently exposed to an unknown male before I got her, then paired up with Jupiter. And all of her eggs have hatched! Each one is a patternless so far and range from a muddy yellow to a deep red that looks almost brown when they are fired down. Keeping 1 nice yellow hold back baby to see what gender it is. She is pretty easy going and one that doesn't mind peeking out at the world from behind a safe leaf and is totally chill riding around on my shoulder.
Pic 3: Mango (usually I hate food names but she came named and fit with Tangobso left it lol). Female yellow dalmation woth ink blotch and red spots! Got her last spring so this may be her 1st season if I breed (whoch I'm not sure about since I have ppans on moving). She likes to hide and not fond of handling, but at her age, not unusual. I hope she chills out so she and Tango can ride my should together. =)
To start things off is my yellow crew.
Pic 1: Jupiter, sold to me as a male yellow dalmation but has seemed to mature into a really NICE cream dalmation instead....I am not complaining. This photo of him is what he looks like 95% of the time. Even when fired up, he's an extremely pale, pastel yellow color. He is also a total scardy gecko and hides just about all of the time and haaaates being handled. Too bad I don't give him a choice lol.
Pic 2: Tango, probably my favorite female out of all my cresties. She was sold as a normal yellow, but has proven to be a NEON yellow and a nice one at that as she blushes a brilliant pink/orange color that is extremely hard to get on photo, but I will keep trying lol. She is a prolific egg producer and is STILL laying eggs from when she was accedently exposed to an unknown male before I got her, then paired up with Jupiter. And all of her eggs have hatched! Each one is a patternless so far and range from a muddy yellow to a deep red that looks almost brown when they are fired down. Keeping 1 nice yellow hold back baby to see what gender it is. She is pretty easy going and one that doesn't mind peeking out at the world from behind a safe leaf and is totally chill riding around on my shoulder.
Pic 3: Mango (usually I hate food names but she came named and fit with Tangobso left it lol). Female yellow dalmation woth ink blotch and red spots! Got her last spring so this may be her 1st season if I breed (whoch I'm not sure about since I have ppans on moving). She likes to hide and not fond of handling, but at her age, not unusual. I hope she chills out so she and Tango can ride my should together. =)