View Full Version : Help me to diagnoze my snake!

12-01-15, 05:13 PM
So ive gotten myself a male juvenil bp for around 4month ago and he has been feeding very well and been takeing dumps a few days after but recently ive noticed that he is abit red on the back of is belly and he have some especelly red "dots" on his belly aswell, i dont think it's scale rott or something like that since ive been cleaning his terrarium every month and disinfecting it the thing is tho that its a terraruim made of wood and i got my heat pad inside the terrarium and he usually digs down so he lays right on it but with that in mind i did turn the heat pad down so i could hold my fingers on it without burning myself or something like that, ive given him 2 bath's since i got him becuse he had som leftovers from the toilet on him but i was pretty secure to dry him off and it seems like he got some substrait under his belly scales aswell and his scales are abit splitted or wrinkelys sorry for bad english tho,

Would appriciate the help and i was at the vet for awhile ago and they said he looked fine, it was maybe 2-3weeks ago but it was not a reti vet just an ordinare vet since well we got like 5 classified repti vets in sweden -_-

12-02-15, 04:11 PM
Hi, can you post or send a picture of the damaged scales? Also, do you have a thermostat for the heat source? If so, What's the temperature?