View Full Version : New snake! Introducing...

11-28-15, 11:26 AM
My new Reticulated python, Genetic stripe Het Albino. Very pleased to find such a beauty around here, they are everything but common in these parts! He is about 8 months old, should stay fairly small. No name yet, Considering Link or Ozai, maybe something different (All my giants have 4 letter names, all my boas 5 letters haha :D) Took some pictures in the car as i knew getting home it would be dark already, his colors are hard to capture.

I like this picture, it looks like he was looking forward to go home :D


11-28-15, 11:40 AM
Even more beautiful in your pics! God do I love his eyes!!!

11-28-15, 12:01 PM
Thanks Mink! And im quite surprised to have 3 retics with bright orange eyes!

11-28-15, 12:11 PM
Very nice....but it's all about the eyes. Something about those serial killer bright orange eyes. That's the whole reason I had to have a retic

11-28-15, 12:20 PM
Lol same here...but I don't have one yet....when I find an affordable lavender albino sunfire super dwarf though....yes...so much yes!

11-28-15, 12:21 PM
I LOVE the first picture! Congrats and the new little one!

11-28-15, 01:00 PM
Thanks guys :D and serial killer eyes, don't think ive heard that one before!! Serial rodent killers... interesting..

11-28-15, 01:30 PM
Thanks guys :D and serial killer eyes, don't think ive heard that one before!! Serial rodent killers... interesting..

It just stuck with me. Long time ago I had a malamute with wicked cool eyes and this girl I was dating said she didn't like my dog looking at her. I asked why she didn't like dogs looking at her and she said normal dogs with normal dog eyes are fine but not those crazy serial killer eyes

EL Ziggy
11-28-15, 02:27 PM
Great pick up Tsubaki. He's a real stunner! Retics are some of the most beautiful snakes out there, and I really love the giants, but I just can't keep em. So I admire them from afar. :)

11-28-15, 03:11 PM
Good reason for me to keep sharing my lovelies! Thank you El-Ziggy

11-28-15, 04:15 PM
I want a retic so bad :( you can't keep them here. They were basically banned unless you had a permit before the ban, then youre allowed to keep them. Too bad

11-28-15, 04:20 PM
Is that all of Canada or just your province?

11-28-15, 04:35 PM
Oh im sorry to hear that :( wouldn't want to be without. Id move probably. .

11-28-15, 04:36 PM
Icouldnt tell ya.
I've never thought to check.
If they are allowed elsewhere in canada, looks like I'm moving

11-28-15, 05:04 PM
Beautiful, one of the nicest I've seen.

dave himself
11-28-15, 06:39 PM
He's beautiful the blue/grey down his sides is stunning mate

11-28-15, 06:50 PM
Thanks IW17, i am so glad i got to buy him :D ! He is also really docile, just had to handle him again. Didnt plan on it but he tossed his (heavy stone) waterbowl already! As tiny as he is! Prepared a different tub before touching him, transferred him asap and left the room, gave him a waterbowl that is size swimmingpool for him, so he wont topple it again . Such a stressful day for such a tiny snake!

Still can't decide on a name though.. Link, Ozai, Hiro, Ryuk, Sora.. so hard...

Edit: Thanks Dave! I love those markings :)

11-28-15, 08:15 PM
I vote for Ozai!

11-29-15, 03:47 AM
What a beautiful Retic! I would consider getting one if they could just not grow into a monster. xD

11-29-15, 04:28 AM
Ozai huh, hmmm still thinking about it :D
@ slithersaurus, thank you, and this is not going to be a giant !

11-29-15, 06:05 AM
Oh! This one is a super dwarf form? I am jelly then! Here super dwarf are really rare and if being sold, would be like triple the cost of the ordinary form which is super high already for a morphed one with license. (Yes, retic are illegal to keep here without getting license.)

Albert Clark
11-29-15, 06:20 AM
Amazing reptile! Congrats Tsubaki, you are always a cut above in more ways than one. I dream of owning a giant one day. I think it will be a burmese though. Keep us updated on the retics progress. Thanks for sharing.

11-29-15, 06:58 AM
Thank you Albert, i will keep you all posted :)
@ Slithersaurus, he is from a small dwarf line (No officials super-dwarfs) According to who i bought him from, his daddy was under 10 ft.

11-29-15, 11:01 AM
Retics are fine here in Ontario. Beautiful pickup as well :D

11-29-15, 04:00 PM
Thanks reptiledude :D

12-04-15, 03:53 PM
Still stuck on names, Ozai and Hiro being my favourites, Link is great but doesn't match. Anyway, offered him a mouse hopper today, as that was what he was eating and i got a bag of them from the seller. Took a few seconds and then in his enthusiasm he missed twice :D but he took it, idk if he actually ate it as i left immediately after snapping 1 pic. (Through the plastic in the dark, but I'll share it anyway)

12-09-15, 03:17 PM
Gorgeous!! I love the eyes on the Genetic Stripes. They just seem to pop so well with their coloring. :)

12-10-15, 04:50 AM
Thanks :D and yes they do, he is also so small that he is still a bit bug-eyed :D

12-10-15, 05:39 AM
simply stunning!

12-17-15, 02:56 AM
He ended up not eating that mouse i gave him, let him rest a while again and gave it another go. He grabbed it very enthusiasticly as he did the first feeding attempt, but again did not proceed to eat it. So i left him alone again.. yesterday as i walked by his tub he struck at me at least a dozen times.. I defrosted a mouse in warm water and offered it warm, as he did eat it im just going to assume he's spoiled and wants his meals preheated :D .. will warm them up for a while before trying room temp again. Adding another horrible phone pic to show a nice full belly !

dave himself
12-17-15, 03:21 AM
It's always good to see that first feed :). Keep the updates coming mate

12-17-15, 03:27 AM
Yes it is :D made me a very happy girl!

David VB
12-17-15, 02:21 PM
Very nice new addition ;)

12-17-15, 10:52 PM
Thanks David :D