View Full Version : Best Thermometers on Amazon?

11-15-15, 09:26 AM
I'm looking to replace all my POS zoo-med/zilla thermo/hygrometers and would prefer to buy the new ones on amazon, so I'm wondering, whats your favorite thermometer that can be bought on there?

11-15-15, 09:52 AM
I'm looking for new ones myself after 2 zillas in the same cage had a hygrometer failure.

11-15-15, 01:28 PM
I don't know if Amazon has them but the Acurite 00891 from Walmart has been excellent for me. It has a long probe, has proven plenty accurate for keeping reptiles, and has good battery life.

11-15-15, 01:34 PM
I don't know if Amazon has them but the Acurite 00891 from Walmart has been excellent for me. It has a long probe, has proven plenty accurate for keeping reptiles, and has good battery life.

I also use this Wal-Mart thermometer. Works amazing and it's only like 12 bucks!

11-19-15, 06:14 PM
I bought 2 of the ambient weather ones off of Amazon. They seem to work.

11-19-15, 06:34 PM
http://www.amazon.com/AcuRite-00891A1-Indoor-Outdoor-Thermometer/dp/B001BO8CUE/ref=sr_1_1?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1447979595&sr=1-1&keywords=AcuRite+00891A1 Hands down the best I've used. Downside- if water gets into the vented area on the bottom side of the thermostat the humidity part of it is toast.

11-20-15, 12:50 AM
I have a bunch of these from Wal-Mart: http://www.amazon.com/AcuRite-00325-Comfort-Monitor-Black/dp/B004K8RF10/ref=pd_sim_201_6?ie=UTF8&dpID=413xOBLLf-L&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=15ENRV95VBFQTGMQMBF9 Most work well, one has simply died completely after falling into a water bowl, and a couple don't properly display the temp, but all do display the humidity. I recently ordered some of the dual dial/velcro analog type that everyone seems to hate, lol. Only used one so far, but it's been working well enough in my larger carpet's enclosure. At least it doesn't get shoved around like the battery-powered digitals do by moving snakes.

11-20-15, 04:42 AM
AcuRites here as well. Lowes, Home Depot or Walmart

Albert Clark
11-21-15, 02:57 PM
Reptile basics has the vivarium electronics therm/hygrom. It's a very accurate digital device that is reasonably priced. I believe the probe cord length is 24". It's actually called Vivarium Electronics TH 100.

11-22-15, 01:05 PM
Albert, I'm going to get that one if I don't find one on Amazon. I wanted to go with Amazon so I can utilize the free shipping, but I need other stuff from reptile basics too so we'll see.

11-23-15, 07:29 PM
Acu-Rite Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer 00891 - Walmart.com (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Acu-Rite-Indoor-Outdoor-Thermometer/896347?action=product_interest&action_type=title&item_id=896347&placement_id=irs-106-t1&strategy=PWVUB&visitor_id&category=&client_guid=3f6f279a-a28b-436e-bfa1-1d0016baa2a2&customer_id_enc&config_id=106&parent_item_id=16888914&parent_anchor_item_id=16888914&guid=e79e4a54-4230-482c-a45e-332163fe2ab0&bucket_id=irsbucketdefault&beacon_version=1.0.1&findingMethod=p13n) These are what I use. Similar to the one njherp recommended. The model toddnbecka showed you works well too however you can only monitor one side, whereas the other two have dual probes so you can monitor both warm and cool side as well as humidity.

11-24-15, 11:12 AM
I've discovered that leaving a hygrometer inside a rainbow boa enclosure for a long time just breaks it, because water gets inside :( So I've started only setting the hygrometer inside every couple a days for an hour or so just to check humidity, and the thing still works haha.