11-13-15, 11:56 AM
I'm Ryan. 25 years old. Manager in retail. Originally from Grand Junction, CO but I moved to Ammon, Idaho to help my company open a new store.
1.0 Snow Corn
0.1 California Kingsnake
0.1 Ball Python (normal)
0.0.1 Chilean Rose Tarantula
Glad to be back on this forum after a year or so of not having much time for the internet.
I'm Ryan. 25 years old. Manager in retail. Originally from Grand Junction, CO but I moved to Ammon, Idaho to help my company open a new store.
1.0 Snow Corn
0.1 California Kingsnake
0.1 Ball Python (normal)
0.0.1 Chilean Rose Tarantula
Glad to be back on this forum after a year or so of not having much time for the internet.