View Full Version : New Family Members

11-11-15, 03:47 PM
Added 1.1 of each of these guys. Excited to see how they do.

11-11-15, 04:11 PM
Congrats, those are gorgeous! :) What species is that second one? Looks like a bull...

11-11-15, 05:17 PM
Congrats! They look great!

11-11-15, 05:51 PM
Chinese king rat snake and a madagascar giant hognose. I've got a king rat myself and I'm still looking for a malagasy giant hog. Great pickups!

11-11-15, 07:24 PM
The hogs are from snakesatsunset. They have em for like 65$ right now.

11-11-15, 08:01 PM
Are they CB?

11-11-15, 08:43 PM
Kingrats are CB, hognose snakes are WC.

11-11-15, 09:20 PM
I have seen some nice stuff from snakesatsunset but was always worried about the quality since the prices seemed almost too good to be true and most of their stuff is wc. Perhaps I'm just over cautious >_>

EL Ziggy
11-11-15, 10:59 PM
Very nice additions. I love new snakes!

dave himself
11-11-15, 11:25 PM
Very nice pick ups :)

11-12-15, 12:00 PM
I have seen some nice stuff from snakesatsunset but was always worried about the quality since the prices seemed almost too good to be true and most of their stuff is wc. Perhaps I'm just over cautious >_>

NO MINK! Youre doing good on your road to recovery dont relapse now

11-12-15, 03:50 PM
WC animals, regardless of who I've purchased them from, almost always have some kinds of parasites. I just figure in the cost of treating them into the total cost of ownership which means WC often end up being more expensive. I can say snakesatsunset sent me snakes well hydrated and with good body condition so the animals they sent me were fair enough, now it's up to me to do the rest from here. I work with an ARAV vet who doubles as a keeper herself.

11-12-15, 03:58 PM
WC animals, regardless of who I've purchased them from, almost always have some kinds of parasites. I just figure in the cost of treating them into the total cost of ownership which means WC often end up being more expensive. I can say snakesatsunset sent me snakes well hydrated and with good body condition so the animals they sent me were fair enough, now it's up to me to do the rest from here. I work with an ARAV vet who doubles as a keeper herself.

Always nice to have a vet with hands on expierence istead of one with only in class lessons that thinks thats enouth to know about all issues on all species.

11-12-15, 06:39 PM
Where did you get the king? I dont see many this time of the year.

11-21-15, 09:02 AM
Reptmart. Both hoggies ate straight away one on tuna scented rodents and one is eating frog legs. One of the kings has already taken ft rodents, one still holding out may use a live pink if it doesn't eat in the next week.