View Full Version : I'm quite worried... Please help!

11-07-15, 06:52 AM
Hi all and thanks for reading!

I am quite concerned as I haven't seen my girl for a few days. She is one and a half year old coastal carpet. We moved to a new apartment 3 weeks ago. She acted a little funny (quite tank defensive) for the first week but has taken 2 meals and has been acting pretty typical behaviour wise.

When I got home last night (quite late) she was still tucked away (very out of character) I didn't see her the night before but its possible she came out when I was asleep. It doesn't look like she's taken water for a day or two. I went to feed her tonight, usually feeding time is dump and run or loose a finger with her. I put the rat in several hours ago turned out the lights and left the room. She has still not moved or eaten.
I doubt she's due for a shed and this all seems pretty out of character. Thinking of popping off the hide in the morning (if she hasn't eaten) and checking her out but is this unnecessary? Am I overreacting?

Thanks so much for your time!

11-07-15, 08:32 AM
Could be for any number of reasons. She might just need some time to adapt to the new surroundings or she just might not be comfortable with how the tank is setup at all and is staying where she feels safest.

What is the temp and humidity in the tank at and how long ago was her last poo?

Jim Smith
11-07-15, 08:35 AM
I suspect that the move and perhaps the change in seasons (photo-period) has just made her a bit apprehensive. She should calm down and return to her "normal" self in a few weeks. I also worry when one of my snakes skips a few meals, but the truth be told, feeding is fairly sporadic in the wild and she should be just fine.

Albert Clark
11-07-15, 09:09 AM
Are you sure she is still in the enclosure? When you say you haven't seen her does that mean you can't see her at all ?

11-07-15, 03:38 PM
By all means check to see if she's still in there, as Albert Clark has suggested, and check that she looks ok. Other than that, I wouldn't worry too much. It could be the move or the weather changes.
And don't mistake your care and concern for over reacting.

11-07-15, 05:20 PM
Thanks so much for all the quick replies! I should have been clearer - I meant that I hadn't seen her out of her hide, I can see she is in there I also noticed movement (rearranging herself) within the hide.
I woke up today to a missing rat and a fat baby inside her hide again :D
Sorry to bother everyone, she was probably just having a few off days :)