View Full Version : varanid pics please

02-21-03, 11:39 AM
hey everyone, im thinking of getting a monitor, as it suggests in my post "best monitor", i was just wondering if anyone that owns a monitor could post a pic of he or she? thank you

Kyle Barker
02-21-03, 02:32 PM
Here is one of 2 pics i have managed to take of my savannah, and they are both head shots.

02-21-03, 02:50 PM
aw hes awesome, how big is he?

02-21-03, 03:08 PM
Check this Water monitor out :)http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/502/435whitehead_2.jpg http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/502/435whitehead-med.jpg

02-21-03, 03:30 PM
awesome what kind is it?

02-21-03, 04:09 PM
My Varanus albigularis



02-21-03, 08:00 PM
awesome, thats a savannah right?

02-21-03, 09:31 PM
Hi snakeman,

Actually it a Whitethroat...close but no cigar LOL


02-21-03, 09:39 PM
Heres my new baby.

02-22-03, 01:41 AM
Amazing looking WhiteThroat asphyxia!

Is it just the pic or does your White Throat have fairly light markings?

02-22-03, 04:47 AM
Snakemann87, It's a whitehead water monitor or Nuchalis:D

02-22-03, 11:18 AM
awesome monitors everyone, ive never seen or heard of that kind kahane

02-22-03, 06:45 PM
Whiteheads are extremely rare in collections. I may be the only one in Canada with them and I do not know of anyone in the U.S. either. Although Steve B is getting his in soon:)

02-23-03, 10:37 AM
awesome were did you get it.

Steeve B
02-24-03, 04:29 AM
Hello this is my all time favourite species of monitor, mind you most peoples on this forum wouldn’t want one because it’s reputed to be hyper, well not my babies and still they are the world’s most colourful monitors. Cheers

http://mediaservice.photoisland.com/auction/Feb/20032244756317677246341.jpg ;)

02-24-03, 04:33 AM
my mate has a baby nile monitor and its pure evil, and these even get big :(

Steeve B
02-24-03, 04:50 AM
Have you ever seen such colors on a monitor? Wow!

http://mediaservice.photoisland.com/auction/Feb/20032242010298427803373.jpg :p

02-24-03, 02:11 PM
Great photos Steve:)

02-24-03, 03:28 PM
what kind of monitor is that Steve?

02-24-03, 04:09 PM
Having followed the escapades of snakemann87, it is my advice not to get a monitor.

You still have a lot to learn about the snakes that you have.

Take the time and learn about the snakes and worry about even thinking of getting a monitor a few years down the road.

Snake Lady
02-26-03, 01:04 AM
is there any way this young herper can post a pick or question with being jumped on. good what is so bad about monitors he can buy one and keep very good care of it. they are like snakes they can be various difrent sizes. He just needs to be guided in the right direction and right size.

02-28-03, 04:44 PM
thanks SnakeLady, I was wondering also. Just because I have more to learn of snakes, which is virtually neverending, doesn't mean I can't begin to learn about monitors, am I right, or wrong?

02-28-03, 05:34 PM
Steeve B what is the monitor in you avatar?

Steeve B
02-28-03, 05:59 PM
its a Northern lace

02-28-03, 06:15 PM
do you keep them? how big do they get, are they expensive? are they hardy monitors?

Steeve B
02-28-03, 06:39 PM
Listen Snakeman87 you remind me of me years ago! Inquisitive and passionate about animals.
This particular animal is considered by experts to be the worlds most beautiful Northern lace monitor, so just forget about its price, I got just as nice siblings for an arm and a leg.
If your really interested in monitors, ill be more then happy to provide you with one of my next babies of the following, Dumeril, Doreanus, red tegus these are medium sized and easy to work with and about 200-250 tops

02-28-03, 06:45 PM
i was just wonderin, not looking into a purchase, i have basically made my mind on a red tegu, i have been reading on them, but and not quite sure on the feeding, very spread out on what you should feed, also, on the minimum enclosure size for an adult?

02-28-03, 06:54 PM
AMAZING Steeve! You have a fantastic collection!

03-03-03, 07:56 PM
awesome, anyone have any pics of yellow or red akies, they seem cool, they have a great max length for someone like me also, and they're beautiful lizards.