View Full Version : Corn snake and rats

10-17-15, 11:20 AM

So, I have two small-medium sized female rats who I love very much, as pets. My roommate just adopted a beautiful, young corn snake who is under a year old and pretty small. She eats pinkies. She's a blood corn snake or something like that.

My concern is firstly, that if she were to escape she could get underneath the door crack and this could be an absolute disaster for her since I also have cats. How can we make sure that the bedroom/tank she's in is escape proof? The door to the bedroom is not quite even and at this point she's small enough to fit underneath for sure.

Secondly, I am worried because although I love them, I don't know much about snakes and am really worried that even though she is not big enough yet to actually eat my rats if she had a chance, that she might try and kill them still if she were to get loose and get into their cage (she's definitely small enough to fit through the bars). Any ideas on what I can do to prevent that from happening?

Also, will she eventually be big enough that she will be eating rats or can eat rats??

Someone here must have snakes and rats living together, advice? Thanks. :)

10-20-15, 02:23 PM
Its more likely the rats would hurt her. By the time the cornsnake would even get close to the size to eat a small rat your rats will be full grown and way to big to eat.

I mean its possible that the cornsnake once full grown would hurt a full grown rat. If by then you are worried about it I would get some metal screen/mesh to put on the cage. Or put the rats in a large aquarium that a snake cant get into.

Ive had pet rats most my life(not currently though) along with snakes and never had a problem.

10-20-15, 08:08 PM
Ensure you have a proper enclosure and fitted lid. Most of the time I have read stories of escapes is either the keeper left something open or unlocked OR the lid/enclosure was/is homemade.

As for the rats, right now the snake would see them as a predator and would only defend itself if the rat attacked. Not saying they would, just the logical turn of events. Once an adult you'd definitely want to keep them far apart for the same reasons as above but this time the snake could harm the rats also.

10-20-15, 09:43 PM
I have 8 snakes ofvarious sizes and several mice all in one room. Snakes have escaped twice and neither time got into my mouse enclosers. The escapes were my fault as I did not secure their lid. Also, nost captive bred snakes who are fed frozen thawed rodents, usually won't know what to do with an adult rodent. I breed my mice for feeders and only 2 smaller snakes will take a live fuzzy. The others 'run away shrieking'.

Seriously though, you shouldn't need to worry so long as your roomie has a secure lid.


10-21-15, 12:01 AM
No worries about the corn snake eating your pet rats, they're simply too big. As for the bottom of the door, I use a wad of bubble wrap to seal the bottom of the door at the top of the basement stairs to help keep the A/C from cooling the basement too much in the summer. Not the prettiest solution, but cheap and very effective. ;)