10-16-15, 10:27 PM
I have to pick up my very young kenyan sand boa from across town tomorrow and due to the timing, I'll probably have to leave it at my aunts house for an hour or two before going back across town to my home. She doesn't want it in her house, so she asked that i leave it on the porch out back. It would be in the shade in their screened patio area. I live in Arizona and even though its fall, its still going to be about 80-85 ish degrees out in the sun at the time I have to leave it. (obviously a little cooler in the shade) Ill have the tank and everything, i just need to know if it is safe to leave it out there. I can put a blanket over it if need be and such. I just need to know if i will be endangering my snakes life by leaving her there for an hour or two? Thanks!