View Full Version : Baird rat snakes

10-16-15, 08:58 PM
Hi everyone! I just joined this forum literally a few minutes ago. I'm going to take a bit to look around but I wanted to ask a few questions.

I came across a breeder selling one of his Baird rat snakes. I had never even heard of these guys so I did a little poking around and I'm very interested. He's one of the prettiest snakes I've ever seen.

He's apparently 7 years old and as friendly as can be. Has never bitten or shown any sign of aggression, which is exactly what I'm looking for in my next snake. Apparently he's very active, and I'm wanting a display snake so he seems to fit the bill in every way!

I need to quarantine him away from my other snakes and I was planning on putting him in a simple tub set up just for the quarantine period. Once it has finished, I would move him into a nicely furnished tank (this also gives me time to gather decor and put together a nice tank). What size tank would a full size adult need? Would a 30 or 40 gallon be acceptable? I have a spare 30 gallon sitting around, I would just need a secure lid for it, since I've read they're escape artists.

Also, what do people use for stuff to climb on?

Basically, I'm looking for any advice, stories, warnings etc. I have two ball pythons and a brazilian rainbow boa so this is a venture into new territory for me!

11-04-15, 11:20 PM
I love my pair. They are little still but growing like weeds. From what I understand, all but the largest of this species can be kept in a 30 gallon.