View Full Version : Temp n Humidity Controller recommendations?

10-09-15, 06:37 PM
Looking for something I can plug my RHP and fogger into that will control or maintain the temp and humidity that's right for my Retic. Something I can mount outside the enclosure...

10-09-15, 08:51 PM
I'm not an expert, but I've been doing a lot of research lately for my first setup and everything I've read points toward the HerpStat thermostats by Spyder Robotics. They are pricey, but can control based on temp and humidity sensors and have all the features you could want.

10-10-15, 11:09 AM
The Herpstat is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks. All I've got is the RHP and humidifier. The light bar I've got to put on another timer after I modify it.
Thanks and if anyone else has any other suggestions, I'm interested in hearing more,,

10-11-15, 01:42 AM
I use a Hygrotherm by Zoo Med . It uses a duel temp humidity sensor though , and the sensor isnt small. If u get one I found that you can open sensor enclosure and unplug sensor to route wire . It doesnt work well if u want to control a heat mat and humidity . I use mine to control humidity and my ceramic hot spot heater . I have a dedicated t stat for my flexwatt utf heater .

10-12-15, 01:00 AM
Thank you. I've got a Radiant Heat Panel

10-12-15, 09:30 PM
Herpstat is the best I've tested yet. They have all the features I need, price is fair, made in USA, and are very reliable.

10-12-15, 09:51 PM
The Herpstat is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks. All I've got is the RHP and humidifier. The light bar I've got to put on another timer after I modify it.
Thanks and if anyone else has any other suggestions, I'm interested in hearing more,,

Herpstats can also do lights in the more advanced models.

10-12-15, 11:40 PM
ive seen the advanced model with the option for 4 devices. Thanks. I'm leaning towards that one. Was hoping I might get lucky and find it on sale at a reptile convention. There's one nearby in January.

Albert Clark
10-13-15, 02:28 PM
Herpstat 4 does it all and some.