09-28-15, 07:46 PM
I realized I never posted my boa for everyone to meet! Lucky is 12 years old and I've had her the whole time. She is a very laid back girl and easy to handle. A recent pic of her after she climbed up the shower stall while I was cleaning her cage in the other room. Used to be able to hang her off a belt loop or teapot handle...not so much anymore of course:)
http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y357/fluffyriddick/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG2370_zpssooe7uwf.jpg (http://s1029.photobucket.com/user/fluffyriddick/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG2370_zpssooe7uwf.jpg.html)
Another from a little while ago now...I was trying to get a pic showing her size for someone. Probably should have gotten one with her wrapped around me from above to see her width too but then I would have been in the pic....
http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y357/fluffyriddick/4ekIik6tFKHoFuovmLzHNgYP1IcUpqRzSJhGKsGPeqqu19WfVl rZ39wCWmONHrV4_zps7bchf1f1.jpeg (http://s1029.photobucket.com/user/fluffyriddick/media/4ekIik6tFKHoFuovmLzHNgYP1IcUpqRzSJhGKsGPeqqu19WfVl rZ39wCWmONHrV4_zps7bchf1f1.jpeg.html)
http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y357/fluffyriddick/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG2370_zpssooe7uwf.jpg (http://s1029.photobucket.com/user/fluffyriddick/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG2370_zpssooe7uwf.jpg.html)
Another from a little while ago now...I was trying to get a pic showing her size for someone. Probably should have gotten one with her wrapped around me from above to see her width too but then I would have been in the pic....
http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y357/fluffyriddick/4ekIik6tFKHoFuovmLzHNgYP1IcUpqRzSJhGKsGPeqqu19WfVl rZ39wCWmONHrV4_zps7bchf1f1.jpeg (http://s1029.photobucket.com/user/fluffyriddick/media/4ekIik6tFKHoFuovmLzHNgYP1IcUpqRzSJhGKsGPeqqu19WfVl rZ39wCWmONHrV4_zps7bchf1f1.jpeg.html)