View Full Version : White Lipped Python questions? (read in!)

09-24-15, 02:15 PM
Considering a White Lipped Python in the future. This one definitely won't be arriving anytime soon (contrary to what I said in another forum about Dumeril's Boas, and then I got one at the Reptile Super Show ;; ) So some questions about them- some answers might be obvious, but I'd just like to hear some expanded thoughts in general.

I'm wondering how many years it takes for them to mature to adult length?

Can someone provide a more informative link to their husbandry, care, housing, etc (I've found a couple, but very basic stuff and unsure of their reliability).

I've heard that they're very willing to chomp down. Will I need to invest in a hook? How many White Lipped Python owners actually use a hook?

Is handling them daily a reasonable task to tame them down?

How tame is "tame", for these guys? aka how often per month would the owner be struck at?

Are they prone to being picky eaters/easy eaters?

Does the general prey size to girth rule also apply, or should they be taking larger meals? As an adult... for example, 8 feet, what type and size of prey?

Outside of stalking faunaclassified, does anyone know good breeders of Southern White Lips (black phase) where we can obtain them?

09-24-15, 08:31 PM
I've heard that they're very willing to chomp down. Will I need to invest in a hook? How many White Lipped Python owners actually use a hook?

I would strongly suggest getting a hook. My white lip is 6 ft and completely calm outside of the enclosure, but inside the enclosure will get jumpy with anything coming in, especially a heat source. Some people aren't so lucky with theirs. I would never just reach in and grab mine.

Is handling them daily a reasonable task to tame them down?

I wouldn't recommend daily handling. White lips do much better as a show snake, not so much a pet. They tend to stress easier. Some calm down a bit, but some never do.

How tame is "tame", for these guys? aka how often per month would the owner be struck at?

Mine is "tame" outside of the enclosure. I haven't been struck at when handling but I've found that messing with him too much inside his tub makes for one angry snake. If I don't poke too much then I don't get too many strikes.

Are they prone to being picky eaters/easy eaters?

I think this is variable depending on if it's CBB or WC. Lots of people claim theirs are great eaters. My WC white lip is picky though.

09-25-15, 10:58 AM
I agree with the above notes, I have two WLP (sub-adults) and the male I definitely need a hook. He strikes a lot inside his enclosure but outside he is okay.. if you move carefully and slowly. I don't handle him often though as he stresses out more. The female is more calm, I usually grab her without a hook. Handle once a week or so, she will huff and hiss a bit but won't strike generally. I can handle her pretty well but still have to be a bit cautious and slow, I can't be as absentminded as I am when I handle my BRB. As for how often one would be bit in a month.. it should be 0 if you are doing it right. I might get tagged every once in a while bit that's my own fault. Use a hook until you know their temperament a bit better. Mine are farm bred, and are great eaters. Never miss a meal and strike instantly.

09-25-15, 01:49 PM
I just happened to have purchased a northerin white lipped recently. Had him about a week and a half now. They are absolutely stunning animals.

Mine is CB and I fed him a small F/t rat a few days after I got him. He was surprisingly calm and slowly took the rat from my tongs and then spent another 15 minutes with it on the ground smelling and figuring out how to begin. Once he began it was down in a few minutes.

I say i was surprised by how calmly he took it because when I first got him out of his box he arrived in, i used my hook and he shot up the hook and then struck my thumb lol. I barely felt it but it was enough to draw a small bit of blood. However after the strike he was pretty chill hanging out on my hook and I was able to snap a few pics and video.

They also his, which can make you a little nervous but it sounds adorable right now.

I'd agree that they're good for show and now daily handling. My only other snake is a ball python who is just as lazy as they come so at first I was kinda taken aback by the flightlyness and speed of the WLP. However a little bit of practice with a hook I think things will be great.

I was told from the store I bought from that the ones they had were about 6 months of age. IDK about that. The one I received is about 3 ft long. maybe a bit more. I'm guessing its older though. I'm curious how long they are at a year old. I've heard that they do most of their growing in the first two years and then slow down.

One piece of advice i'd give is to not worry about being able to tame down. Expect that it'll be a demon snake. A full sized demon snake. From what I've gathered, they dont all tame down and I'd rather be prepared for a 7-8 foot demon snake, know what to expect from it and to be prepared to handle it and clean its cage. Dont simply hope that it'll tame down. (I'm not saying you havent thought about this but I just think its important to be comfortable with the idea of having a larger aggressive snake through its whole life.

As far as husbandry sheets, I'm in your boat. The ones I've found have been limited, especially with specifying humidity. I've been keeping mine at 82-88 degrees with 70-80% humidity.

Another poster on here recently bought a WLP and was having eating issues. I cant recall if he/she still has issues or not but I know theres more WLP owners here. Good luck!