View Full Version : What are some options for this enclosure?

09-24-15, 01:52 PM
Hi everyone,

I've spent some time over the past few weeks converting an old china cabinet into a viv. It was initially intended for a giant day gecko but by the looks of it I'm going to have an extremely difficult time tracking one down for some reason. There's still a chance I may find one at the reptile expo in my city in a couple weeks but it's not looking so good judging by the vender list.

So, in the meantime I thought I'd ask if anyone has any snake recommendations that would be happy with this set up. If there is no beginner-intermediate snake that would work in here that's fine too! I don't want to force something to live in an enclosure it's not comfortable obviously.

The dimensions are a little strange as its a corner cabinet, but it's about 40" tall from the substrate, 26" long and about 18" deep. I want to post a picture but it won't let me for some reason...hopefully I can figure that out soon.

I have heard of people keeping ETB or GTP in smaller enclosures... but I assume they would eventually grow out of that. I would assume carpets would be too non-arboreal for this set up.

Any input is appreciated!


09-24-15, 02:32 PM
The gtp or etb would be fine in that size but its not enough floor space for a carpet. You will be able to post pics after 5 posts.

dave himself
09-24-15, 03:00 PM
I think you could fit a nice ATB in viv that size very comfortably :)

09-24-15, 06:39 PM
Thanks for the input!

All three of those are such beautiful snakes (atb,etb, gtp) it would be so tough to choose! I realize all three are far from starter snakes but is there one that tends to be slightly more forgiving? As soon as I hit my 5 posts I'll shows pics!

09-24-15, 06:52 PM
etb all the way man!

09-24-15, 07:15 PM
I would seriously LOVE an etb... although i am a little intimidated by their mouth! haha Although a gtp isn't much different.

09-24-15, 07:19 PM
Here is the enclosure... it would need a few adjustments to house a snake but its a decent start i think!


09-25-15, 06:41 PM
That looks really nice as is and would be perfect for tons of different kinds of geckos. Yes some slight mods would be needed for some snakes. If you want an arboreal snake like an etb, gtp or atb you would want to mount some horisontal perches.

09-25-15, 07:42 PM
lllreptile had some baby captive bred giant day geckos in case you want to check them out.Be careful though, if it doesnt say cb its field collected.

09-25-15, 07:45 PM
That is a really awesome looking setup. You could pretty much keep any arborial species of reptile in that other than maybe iguanas and monitors.

09-25-15, 08:21 PM
Green tree python! They are not as hard as they are made out to be. Just get the temperatures and humidity right before getting the animal and buy c.b.b.

09-26-15, 07:40 AM
Thanks guys! I am really happy with the way it turned out too, if you want to see a few pictures of the process you can see it here:

Retro-fitting a few more horizontal perches would be easy... plus if I went with an arboreal snake I would probably want to make sure they are removable too!

Unfortunately I live in Canada and LLL won't ship here, so finding anything even slightly rare is tough and/or expensive! The only gtp hatchlings I have found were over $800 :Wow: which I thought was a bit high! I'll find something eventually! I'm really hoping our local expo in two weeks brings in more than just cresties and leopard geckos lol

09-26-15, 09:48 AM
I didnt catch the canada flag there, sorry.Well whatever you end up getting will have an awesome home.

Albert Clark
09-26-15, 10:57 AM
Thanks guys! I am really happy with the way it turned out too, if you want to see a few pictures of the process you can see it here:

Retro-fitting a few more horizontal perches would be easy... plus if I went with an arboreal snake I would probably want to make sure they are removable too!

Unfortunately I live in Canada and LLL won't ship here, so finding anything even slightly rare is tough and/or expensive! The only gtp hatchlings I have found were over $800 :Wow: which I thought was a bit high! I'll find something eventually! I'm really hoping our local expo in two weeks brings in more than just cresties and leopard geckos lol

Try BHB, I think they ship to Canada. He (Brian) has some great quality animals as well. He may take a special order also.

09-26-15, 01:26 PM
Thanks for the tip! I'll check into bhb for sure.

Either way I'll post a picture when I do pick something up!