View Full Version : Hello!

09-23-15, 02:56 PM
I'm Victoria, live in PA, volunteer with a parrot rescue, work in accounting but that's boring me so I'm sure I'll move to something else soon, and finishing my MBA in supply chain this semester. For awhile I stopped being active in the reptile world but in the last year or so I remembered how much I miss having lots of scaled friends around....so I now have an increasing collection of snakes once again!

I've had my boa and ball python for about 12 years now. There was a gap of about five years where I didn't get a single new reptile but last summer we moved into a huge place and my first thought was well that space over there looks real empty. So that of course meant I went online to buy two cornsnakes....about a year later I now have 3 corns, 4 rats, 1 King, 1 milk, and of course my original boa and Python. And I bought another beauty snake yesterday that should be here next week!

I have a bearded dragon that has been in my family for about 6 years now. He was my uncles but when my uncle passed away the beardie went to my grandmother and when she went crazy he became mine. I've had him a few years now. And of course on a trip the other month to pick up feeders for the snakes at the pet store a baby beardie caught my eye.....so I now own two beardies again:rolleyes:

My other animals include 9 parrots (hopefully 10 soon), a cat, and a horse.

dave himself
09-23-15, 04:52 PM
Welcome aboard :)

Albert Clark
09-23-15, 05:04 PM
Hey Vic, you don't sound like a inexperienced keeper by any means! Glad to have your expertise here. Welcome to snake and everything amphibian and chelonian and all in between forum. Haha.

09-23-15, 06:13 PM

I'll post pictures to share with everyone soon!

EL Ziggy
09-23-15, 11:19 PM
Welcome and best wishes Victoria. You have some beautiful animals.