View Full Version : Scale Rots & Mites

09-21-15, 08:14 AM
New user here. I've had my California King Snake for about 6 months now and he has developed a very severe case of snake mites & a mild (but growing in severity) case of scale rot. I cannot afford a vet at this time, therefore I have to stick to home treatments, as much as I hate that. This is the first snake I've ever had and I am at a complete loss as to what I should do. Any tips on getting rid of mites & scale rot? I'm very worried. :(

09-23-15, 08:53 AM
I used 1 part NIX to 15 parts water to get rid of mites on my Ball Python. I was told to sterilize everything in his tank, spray the tank and everything that goes in, I used gloves to put it on my snake, use paper towels for bedding and reapply NIX solution once a week. Paper towels are nice because its easier to see the mites and easy to keep clean. I hope this helps. I dont know what to do for scale rot though...sorry hopefully your baby starts feeling better

09-23-15, 10:34 AM
The nix treatment described by Jolene should take care of the mites. For the scale rot, you could try daily Betadine soaks(dilute the bath until it looks like tea) for a few minutes or get iodine wipes to wipe the affected area once a day. The scales will still look bad until the next shed, but the treatment should kill whatever is causing it. I would only do this for a few days.