View Full Version : New Guy From California

09-15-15, 12:25 AM
Hello everyone!

Little about myself, I have been wanting a snake for some time now. As a kid growing up, my dad had a red tail boa, and about 6 months after we got him, my brother and I found a California King Snake in our driveway. My mom finally got sick of them and made him give them away.

After going to a friends house recently and holding and checking out his ball python. I became interested in owning my own snake. I have decided to get a corn snake as my beginner snake. I am here to read up on everything I need to know about proper snake care, so I can slowly start buying everything I need before adopting a snake.

Oddly enough, my friends think its weird, I am terrified of spiders. But ill own and hold snakes.. And I tell them, snakes aren't creepy, and are cool animals. :D (sorry to any spider lovers!)

Looking forward to learning from you all.


09-15-15, 03:15 PM
Hello and welcome! I'm in SoCal. And I'm the same as you... terrified of spiders. I can't even look at their photos on the internet without cringing + feeling creeped out all over my skin. But I've been fascinated by snakes ever since I can remember (4 years old?).

post pictures of your future corn!

09-15-15, 03:19 PM
Hello and welcome! I'm in SoCal. And I'm the same as you... terrified of spiders. I can't even look at their photos on the internet without cringing + feeling creeped out all over my skin. But I've been fascinated by snakes ever since I can remember (4 years old?).

post pictures of your future corn!

I am in So Cal too, fairly close to you it seems according to your city haha.
Same here, i can't even look at a picture of gif without getting creeped out. (are you the future me?).

And I am hoping by years end to have a corn snake, thank you for the welcoming!

09-16-15, 01:20 AM
Welcome to the forum! That's three then; I too find spiders very creepy. Have had to overcome the fear when my kids were little ("Dad! There's a spider!"). Give them a wide berth at our local reptile shops. Don't mind scorpions though.

09-16-15, 06:18 AM
I also agree spiders are creepy, especially tarantulas. Everybody that knows me gives me a weird look when I tell them I don't like tarantulas, but they don't seem to understand that there is an astronomical difference between snakes and spiders! I like jumping spiders though....

09-18-15, 03:27 AM
The only good thing with that many legs (arms) is an octopus. Live or on a stick......