View Full Version : My Long List of Enclosures and Herps

09-14-15, 10:13 AM
Hey guys, since I'm new here, I figured I'd give some sort of introduction to myself so you know who I am. I love to collect all the exotic herps, fish, and birds I can. So, here we go:

-475 gallon custom enslosure. Substrate is bioactive soil. Decor is cork rounds, live plants, and flat stones. There are 3 basking lights and 3 UVB lights. There's also a water bowl. It houses a savannah monitor.

-20 gallon doored enclosure. Substrate is a mixture of sand, excavator clay, and eco earth. Decor is branches and fake plants. There's a fluorescent fixture and heat pad. There's a shallow water bowl. Houses 3 super hypo carrot tail leopard geckos.

-475 gallon custom enclosure. Substrate is a single molded piece of faux rock. Decor is big strong fake branches and lost of fake plants. There are a ton of basking and UVB lights over the top. There's a pond in the faux rock. It houses a green iguana.

-1615 gallon custom enclosure. Not really any substrate, except gravel in the water. Decor is large branches in the water, a rock cave/ledge thing (basking spot), and some fake plants. Few red basking lights and standard fluorescent lights from Home Depot. Water is most of the enclosure, with a large pond in it. Houses a yellow anaconda.

-475 gallon custom enclosure (same as monitor one, not iguana one though). Substrate is mulch. Decor is cork products, slate rock, and live bushes. 2 super hot basking lights and a standard fluorescent light from Home Depot. Just a kinda big water bowl in there. Houses a black and white tegu.

-90 gallon custom enclosure. Substrate is orchid bark. Decor is strong natural branches and a few big live plants. There's just a basking lamp on this enclosure, above a branch. There's also a medium water bowl. Houses a green tree python.

-35 gallon tall doored enclosure. Substrate is plantation soil and slate tiles. There are 2 islands in the tank, and the rest is tile siliconed to the bottom. The islands were created with plexiglass, and then foamed over and covered up with driftwood and coco husk. The islands have a few strong live vining plants growing in them. There is a bridge between the islands made from a large natural piece of driftwood. There are fake vines and ivy tangled around the branch at the top. There is a small fluorescent fixture at the top and a basking lamp at the side. Water feature is a stagnant river in the middle. Houses a pair of waxy monkey frogs.

-10 gallon doored enclosure. Substrate is organic potting soil. Decor is a large grassy plant growing in there, a few rocks near the pond shore, gravel in the pond, and moss throughout the entire land section. Heating is a UTH and lighting is a fluorescent fixture. Water is a small pond, that the inhabitant is able to soak in. Houses a blue pacman frog (super cool frog)

-20 gallon tall doored enclosure. Substrate is orchid bark. Decor is densely packed, with live plants, moss, cork products, and vinework around the top of the tank. Heating is a basking lamp, and there's a fluorescent fixture for the plants. There's just a water bowl in the enclosure. Houses a tokay gecko.

-30 gallon aquarium. Substrate is repti bark. Decor is cork products, with lots of moss and a few live plants growing around the enclosure in order to make it look more natural. The cork bark hides a PVC pipe burrow. Heating is a pair of blue reptile bulbs, plus there's a weak fluorescent light for the plants. Water is just a super shallow dish. Houses a goliath bird eater tarantula.

-50 gallon custom enclosure. Substrate is eco earth. Decor is a cork background on 2 sides, plus lots of natural branches and artificial vines near the top. A few large branches leading down to the bottom of the enclosure. Also 2 large artificial plants at the top. There are vines that are starting to grow in the bottom of the enclosure as well - they will eventually take the place of the fake plants. There is a red bulb, basking bulb, and a fluorescent fixture. Water is just from misting. Houses a beautiful panther chameleon.

-40 gallon breeder aquarium. Substrate is thick, deep plantation soil. Decor is cork products, branches, rocks, and live plants. There's a UTH and fluorescent fixture for the plants. Water is a cleverly hidden lagoon that was custom molded. Houses a breeding pair of fire skinks.

-20 gallon tall doored tank. Substrate is coco fiber. Decor consists of fake plants at the top, fake vines, and a fake rock cave. There's a super strong basking lamp on the top. Water is just a bowl. Houses a pair of long tailed lizards. Any info on breeding these is welcomed :)

-900 gallon custom enclosure. Substrate is 6 inches of organic potting soil. Decor consists of a few large climbing branches that have been screwed into the bottom of the enclosure, as well as a planter with a large live plant in it (has miraculously survived since I got the inhabitant). There are 2 heat lamps and a large fluorescent fixture. Water is a large natural looking bowl. Houses a reticulated python (what else ;) )

-690 square foot outdoor enclosure. Substrate is just whatever's outside. Decor consists of a large empty pond, with deep holes in it that are about 6 feet deep with the rest being 3 feet, and sloping downwards from shore to center. It's an irregular shaped pond, made from concrete. There's a barn with kiddie pools for the winter (does not count as the 690 square footage). The outside of the pond has palm trees, a grass lawn, and some large rocks for basking. There are 2 large planters in the pond so that he can come onto them if he wants to. There are bushes and palm trees in the planters. Basking is all natural sunlight. Water is the pond. Houses a morelet's crocodile.

-3,000 square foot outdoor enclosure. Substrate is just whatever's outside. Decor is bushes and random plants, plus a few large trees for shade. Basking is natural sunlight. There is a pond (just a liner covered with dirt really) for water, lined with railroad board things. Included is a barn for the nights and winters (part of the 3,000 square feet). Houses a pair of aldabra tortoises, and hopefully more soon. Any info on breeding these is welcomed :)

-5.5 gallon glass aquarium. Substrate is a thick layer of eco earth. Decor is cork hides and rounds, fake plants, and branches. There is also leaf litter in the tank. Heating is a UTH - no lights. Water is just a small bowl. Houses an african giant millipede.

-7.5 gallon doored cage. Substrate is soil collected from outside. Decor is a large branch collected outside, a clay pot found in the garden, grass patches and weeds collected from outside, and a few dead leaves found from outside. Lighting is a small fluorescent fixture - no heater of any sort. Water is a bowl with gravel in the bottom (it's a small bowl, but don't want anyone to drown). Houses a praying mantis that my kids caught (had him for nearly 2 years now).

-360 gallon custom enclosure. Substrate is eco earth. Decor is a jungle gym of cork products and large branches, plus a few large live plants and artificial vines. Lighting is a fluorescent fixture and a powerful basking lamp. Water is just in a bowl. Houses a green tree monitor, and I have room for another tree monitor if I decide to get another.

-565 square foot rhinoceros iguana enclosure. This one is my favorite. Substrate is a few large faux rock pieces, like the stuff in zoos. There are also patches with coco husk in them. Decor is live palm trees, a few large driftwood pieces, a few large natural rock piles, and a bunch of fake rocks. Lighting is from the roof made of greenhouse glass. That gets it pretty hot, but it is supplemented in some spots by basking lights. Water is a working waterfall, that streams into a pool, and circulates back. Houses a pair of rhinoceros iguanas. Any info on breeding them is welcomed :)

-75 gallon glass aquarium. Substrate is orchid bark. Decor is 2 live ferns, a cork round, and a branch. Lighting is just a red basking light, and a tiny fluorescent fixture for plants. Water is a bowl. Houses a dumerils boa.

-10 gallon glass aquarium. Substrate is sand. Decor is rocks that form caves, plus a large piece of wood. Lighting is a pair of normal house bulbs in basking lamps. Water is just a bowl. Houses a grey banded kingsnake

-25 gallon glass aquarium. Substrate is eco earth. Decor is fake plants, a fake cave, a cork flat, and a large fake stump. There are also natural rocks. Lighting is a basking bulb on one side. Water is just a bowl. Houses a honduran and tangerine milk snake.

-20 gallon tall doored cage. Substrate is plantation soil in the land and gravel in the water. Decor is a ton of live plants, a small piece of wood leading out of the water, and a small piece of wood sunken into the soil. There's also moss in the tank and a flat cork background. Lighting is a fluorescent fixture, plus a UTH on the back. Water is in the pond. Houses a trio of red eyed tree frogs.

-29 gallon glass aquarium. Substrate is mulch. Decor is a live fern, live flowering plant, and rocks. Lighting/heating is a fluorescent fixture and UTH. Water is a strategically hidden bowl. Houses a neon blue california garter snake.

-20 gallon cube doored cage. Substrate is soil (forgot what type). Decor is live plants, and PVC/rope vines/roots, plus the custom background. Lighting is a fluorescent fixture. No heater. There is a small pond in the corner for water, which has a pair of ghost shrimp living it. Also, there are a pair of azureus dart frogs in the tank.

-20 gallon glass aquarium. Substrate is reptibark. Decor consists of a large fake plant, a cork hollow, a large straight branch for hermit crabs, and a ton of sphagnum moss. Lights and heat consist of a red reptile bulb and a fluorescent fixture. Water is just a bowl. This is set up for any baby fire skinks that I breed. I have produced over 100 offspring so far.

-3,000 gallon custom outdoor pond. It's just a koi pond, and there are a pair of large RES and a huge bullfrog that lives in there. I rescued them grom my grandma's pond.

-50 gallon glass aquarium. Substrate is gravel. Decor consists of a turtle dock, slate rock, some silk plants, some live plants, a cork flat (sunken to the bottom with silicone), and a fake stump thing. Lighting is just a fluorescent tube and a low wattage basking bulb.

That's my current herp stock list. However, I'm always looking to add to my collection. I will consider any recommendations for cool herps you can think of. Feel free to give any feedback, and I love, love, LOVE questions, so ask away! Thank you for reading my exceptionally long post, and sorry for such a lone one :)

09-14-15, 11:13 AM
That's quite a collection, haha! Any pics maybe? :D And don't you have any issues with housing two milk snakes together? I mean I know that some species are totally okay with keeping them in pairs/harems etc. but was always thinking that with milk and king snakes it's rather risky.

09-14-15, 11:17 AM
If I remember, I'll get some pics. I'm on a business trip, so it'll be at least another week. My milk snakes have been fine for about a year.

09-14-15, 11:18 AM
I think I want to get more snakes. Maybe a woman Python? They're super cool. Any other recommendations?

09-14-15, 01:36 PM
Thinking maybe a woman Python. Any other suggestions?

09-14-15, 01:37 PM
That's quite a collection, haha! Any pics maybe? :D And don't you have any issues with housing two milk snakes together? I mean I know that some species are totally okay with keeping them in pairs/harems etc. but was always thinking that with milk and king snakes it's rather risky.
I have never experienced any problems.

09-14-15, 02:14 PM
Impressive animals and enclosures. I would very much enjoy seeing pictures of your animals and ecnlosures. They all sound very well biult and impressive.

dave himself
09-14-15, 02:40 PM
Welcome aboard looking forward to seeing your pics :)

09-14-15, 03:13 PM
:Wow: You HAVE to post pics, not really an option in the matter lol it's a rule, newbies must post pics of their enclosures.

09-14-15, 04:04 PM
I'd like to see some pics :p

09-14-15, 06:02 PM
A video tour would be cool too, if you can do that. Sounds like there's quite a lot to see!

09-14-15, 06:39 PM
Video is not possible. I will pull out some photos later though. I'm.not home but I have some on my computer. Sorry about the double post and typo, meant to say woma Python.

09-14-15, 06:39 PM
:Wow: You HAVE to post pics, not really an option in the matter lol it's a rule, newbies must post pics of their enclosures.

Is that actually a rule or do you just want to see them :)

I'll post pics later tho

09-14-15, 06:53 PM
Is that actually a rule or do you just want to see them :)

I'll post pics later tho

Yep it's a rule..................

09-14-15, 07:09 PM
I couldn't find any actual pictures. Can't take any actual onss either because I'm on a business trip, and it isn't over for at least a week.
However, I will search around on Google and find ones that are like my setups. I'm sure I can find something pretty close. Pics to come

09-15-15, 10:04 AM
Welcome to the forums, haha. :D

Conner Richter
09-28-15, 07:43 PM
Wheres the pics lol:D.I would hate to see that electric bill.