View Full Version : Meet Ozzy, my new carpet python

09-11-15, 07:45 PM
Okay so my little guy(Mad Max) is doing really well with taming and I ended up adopting this other jungle or whatever kind of carpet python as well so now I have two carpets.

I named him Ozzy he is around 5 and half feet and quite tame, not sure of the age. Ignore the lame enclosure its just temporary. He more yellow then white.

http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a75/gerbig4/Ozzy2_zpsssubxugv.jpg (http://s9.photobucket.com/user/gerbig4/media/Ozzy2_zpsssubxugv.jpg.html)
http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a75/gerbig4/Ozzy_zpsxit5taxq.jpg (http://s9.photobucket.com/user/gerbig4/media/Ozzy_zpsxit5taxq.jpg.html)

09-11-15, 07:49 PM
Great looking carpet!

EL Ziggy
09-11-15, 08:05 PM
Very nice Sasha. Beautiful new addition! Congrats!

09-11-15, 09:26 PM
Nice looking jungle!

09-12-15, 08:51 AM
Thanks everyone, Im pretty hyped about having him. As soon as he settles in I will get my son to hold him and get some better pics.I want to make sure hes fairly reliably tame before handing him over to my son.
This is my last snake, I cant get anymore.

09-12-15, 12:58 PM
Here is another pic, still not great but shows the yellows a bit more.
I think he is overfed. Does he look fat to anyone else?
Also his muscle tone is flabby. But he is a real sweetheart.

http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a75/gerbig4/Ozzy3_zpszayzl93d.jpg (http://s9.photobucket.com/user/gerbig4/media/Ozzy3_zpszayzl93d.jpg.html)

09-12-15, 02:05 PM
Wait...which one are you talking about? :)

What's in the holster??

seriously, really nice looking snake. looks like a big boy.

09-12-15, 02:45 PM
Wait...which one are you talking about? :)
Ozzy is my newest snake but I think he looks fat.

What's in the holster??

seriously, really nice looking snake. looks like a big boy.

That is a Ruger SP101, 357 magnum stainless snubnose revolver..LOL I forgot he was armed.

09-12-15, 02:53 PM
nice! S/W M&P Shield 9mm here.

EL Ziggy
09-12-15, 03:32 PM
<<today it's a Glock 32 .357 sig

09-12-15, 04:13 PM
LOL, Seriously I wouldnt have known what it was until I asked him. My dh and sons are into the gun hobby but I just get to shoot them now and again. I cant tell one from the other.

09-12-15, 04:31 PM
He might a tad overfed, but judging by that photo he has a poop coming. :laugh:

09-12-15, 06:37 PM
Being a worrier and not knowing the past on this guy I hope he does do a big dump.I was reading a forum that had a carpet die from constipation...

09-12-15, 11:43 PM
As long as your husbandry is fine, and you provide water, there should be nothing to worry about.

09-13-15, 05:07 AM
sasha, i have a large carpet female that in a kinda cool way, "poops" on command...so-to-speak. when she's "robust down there", i can take her into the yard and let her crawl for a bit. the activity will usually stimulate bowel mvmt. in the yard. no clean up :)

which is nice, b/c when she goes it's kinda like smelly beagle dump.

09-13-15, 10:37 AM
sasha, i have a large carpet female that in a kinda cool way, "poops" on command...so-to-speak. when she's "robust down there", i can take her into the yard and let her crawl for a bit. the activity will usually stimulate bowel mvmt. in the yard. no clean up :)

which is nice, b/c when she goes it's kinda like smelly beagle dump.

LOL that could be interesting to see.