View Full Version : Carpet Python

09-09-15, 09:13 PM
Hey im very interested in buying a baby jungle carpet python. Im not too familiar with carpet pythons so i was wondering if anyone could tell me some things i should know about them. Yes, i know what im doing with snakes i have a lot of them just never ended up interested in a carpet till now.


09-10-15, 04:50 AM
Jungles are probably the snappiest of all carpet subspecies.

09-10-15, 08:03 AM
Mine is very active and loves to explore when I get him out. Has never missed a feeding even when I switched him from mice to rats, however I hear they can be a little stubborn so maybe I just got lucky. And as said above they are more aggressive than most snakes that people keep, but it's manageable just be ready for that. Really cool snakes though; I love my jcp!

EL Ziggy
09-10-15, 09:19 AM
Welcome and best wishes mamato. I've recently starting keeping carpets myself, so I'm still learning about them, but their care seems pretty straightforward. Cool side should be 75ish with a hot spot of about 90F. My ambient temps stay around 80F. Humidity should be 50-60%. Some people start their babies out in small shoebox tubs. Larger enclosures can be used as long as there's lots of cover and hides. I've heard and read that baby jungles can be a little nippy/defensive but they usually calm down as they mature. I wouldn't necessarily call them aggressive though. My coastal has never struck at me but he did musk me a couple of times. They're semi arboreal so they'll appreciate some climbing or perching places. I've rarely seen mine on the floor of the enclosure. Like I said, I'm new to Morelia too but I think they're going to be a lot of fun to work with.

09-10-15, 04:01 PM
Thanks for the replies, im going to end up getting one for myself

09-10-15, 04:04 PM
Jungles are probably the snappiest of all carpet subspecies.
I probably should have explained myself better. As juvies they can be quite snappy, but as they mature they do calm a little. I don't like using the term, but they are better described as "cage defensive". The jungles we have had have all been like that. Once out they seem to do better, but don't like a lot of movement around them. I copped a good tag from our adult jungle when I moved my other hand while talking to our son.
Ziggy, as you'll no doubt find out soon with your new additions, coastals and jungles are chalk and cheese, as a generalisation. :)

EL Ziggy
09-10-15, 04:20 PM
LOL @ chalk & cheese :).

09-10-15, 05:03 PM
Here's a photo of our jungle girl, Topaz. Not keen on being handled.

09-10-15, 05:28 PM
This is my jungle monster and shes as sweet as can be in or out of terrarium.
I did get her as an adult so Im not sure how she was as a baby but shes sweet as pie now.

09-10-15, 06:53 PM
my jungle isnt snappy at all. She huffs and puffs when shes had enough handling but shes never lashed out

EL Ziggy
09-10-15, 06:55 PM
Gee Wiz! Those are two gorgeous carpets Pine & Dude. I'm so looking forward to watching my guys grow! How old is that beautiful beast of yours Dude? And what do you feed her?
@ Malgus- did you ever set up the live feed for your jungle? That was a great idea.

09-10-15, 07:41 PM
@ Malgus- did you ever set up the live feed for your jungle? That was a great idea.

got all the stuff to do it but just been too busy. just got back from sri lanka. Actually got a photo of a snake I held over there Id like to know what it is. Didnt realize till after the pics were taken that the snakes mouth was held closed by a clear strip of plastic. Dampened the mood a bit

09-11-15, 03:01 AM
Our girl is about 7; we bought her as an adult. I believe she'd had little handling before. She is just over 6 ft now.

09-18-15, 05:29 PM
My baby Max was snappy but Ive found if I move very slowly and use a hook to get him he has tamed way down. He hasnt struck at me once the last two times Ive had him out.
But he is still nervous and will get in the postion if anything moves to fast.

Ozzy(the big one) on the other hand is dog tame. I had him outside today and he was super mellow and curious.I just love this guy.

Im completely sold on carpet pythons. I think they are more aware and intelligent then any boa Ive had.Im almost tempted to sell my ball pythons and get more carpets.

09-18-15, 05:41 PM
out of 11 carpets i've had over the years (5 of them now)...i've only had one that was even remotely snappy (a juvi)...the rest have been total lap dogs.

hands down, my favorite snake ever.

09-18-15, 05:58 PM
I can handle our jungle, i just have to be aware of what she's doing, and no fast movements, lol. One of our Gammon Ranges pythons has become very strike-happy; a placid juvie, but now I'll only take her out for cleaning. The last few times I took her out to hold, she started out calm, and then for no apparent reason, I got the wrap and the bite.