View Full Version : Retic Python Head/Eye Problem

09-09-15, 04:22 AM
Hi all, this is my first time to start a new thread. i would like to ask for any inputs that may help my retic to get rid of this wound. i cant seem to find similar case in other forums as well. do you guys know what is this or the cause of it? thanks and any help is much appreciated!

09-10-15, 06:52 PM
It flooks like hes been rubbing or got burnt somehow. How are you heating the enclosure? Have you seen him moving aruund rubbing his head on walls or roof?

09-10-15, 07:01 PM
Maybe it is because I'm looking at the pics on my phone but it almost looks like damage caused by a live mouse/rat. Live prey grabbed toward the back end will gnaw on a snake's head. Do you feed live prey?

dave himself
09-10-15, 09:34 PM
I don't know what's caused it but I would say take that snake to the nearest reptile vet asap :(

09-11-15, 01:43 AM
I stopped feeding him rats. Currently i switched feeding him pre killed chicks so its not the cause. Last night i saw him rubbing his face against the wall but its not continuous. This morning i checked on him it looks like its been healing . Im just going to continue spraying diluted betadine soln until i can bring him to the vet. Thank you all!

09-11-15, 07:36 AM
To me it looks like he's pushing on something in the enclosure, and if that's the case you should figure out why. He could be wanting to eat more often, he could want more space, even less space, maybe higher or lower temps.

09-11-15, 11:01 AM
Can you take a picture of the entire enclosure? That might help us determine how this happened.

dave himself
09-11-15, 12:06 PM
It looks like an infection in the eyes, but why is there no other damage to its head or face from rubbing?. I wonder could it be from retained eyecaps perhaps just a guess though

09-12-15, 06:50 AM
The supraocular scales(the "eyebrow" scales above the eyes) are more exposed than other scales, so if he's been rubbing the sides or top of his head then this kind of damage would be expected. A look at the enclosure would help us determine whether rubbing is likely to be the issue.

Does he have retained eye caps? It's rare for retained eye caps to cause problems unless multiple layers have accumulated, but I can see why you might be concerned if he does have stuck eye caps in addition to the scale damage. How do his eyes look? Can you get a picture from the side of his head to show us what the actual eyes look like?

dave himself
09-12-15, 11:13 AM
Yeah just had a closer look at the pic my mistake his eyes look clear, it's rubbing as everyone else has said sorry folks :(

Albert Clark
09-12-15, 10:51 PM
Excessive rubbing(if that is what it is) is a type of burn as well. This guy should be brought to the closest herp vet to rule out eye injuries and or a secondary infectious process. Fungal is another possibility.