View Full Version : Hognose suddenly got picky with eating

09-08-15, 11:59 PM
Hi all. Before I left for the summer my hognose was practically eating anything I throw at her. She would even strike with mouth open at f/t!

But now she only eats live and even then, slightly reluctantly. This happened after I had someone take care of her for a month. Though when I got her back she didn't look like she was thin or that anything was wrong.

The biggest issue though is that she's getting a bit too big for fuzzies (I feed her 2 per time) but I'm afraid to size up because she cant catch hoppers lol... (she's tried) And even if she does I'm afraid the hopper will injure her (she doesn't constrict). She even has a hard time with rat pups...

Will try scenting with tuna/ salmon/ eggs.. :/

EDIT:.. PS she does strike when I try to offer her f/t or live but only with mouth closed and hisses+ hoods up impressively. She only eats if I leave the food in the tank. She doesn't eat outside of the tank at all.

09-09-15, 06:50 AM
So leave her inside her tank and leave the food in with her. Try a fresh killed as well. I have several that get too defensive to eat while I'm offering, but as soon as I turn my back and they relax, they wat their meal like good littlw hoggies.

Good luck.

09-09-15, 07:17 AM
I would try the tuna. I was having an issue with my little one after her first feeding. She wouldn't take anything after 5 days, then after 8..just smelled it and hissed. I tried the tuna after 10 days and she smelled it and IMMEDIATELY came out of her sleep ready to eat. I fed again last night and she hissed and struck, but wouldn't seriously eat till I put it on the cage floor.

Maybe just give her a week or so to acclimate to being back with you and to get hungry again.

09-13-15, 01:34 PM
I got her to eat fresh killed yay! I'll try f/t next time scented with chicken broth or tuna. Ty guys :)