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09-07-15, 01:36 AM
Hello everyone,

I wanted to introduce myself. Came across the website while reading as much as I can about the carpet python species. I currently have 2 carpets, a male and a female. My male is a diamond jungle and the female is a little difficult for me to figure out. I have looked at many different ones that are similar to her and not sure. I will post pictures later for all to see. Their names are Scout (Male) and Karma. I just recently picked up the female. I have them in two separate cages considering I have them as pets and am not currently interested in breeding. Scout was very accepting to being held and i try to work with him every single day. My female on the other hand is beyond feisty. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am going to leave her be for about a week seeing she was in a rack system when I bought her and is now in a 20 gallon tall enclosure. I am sure it is a lot for her with the changes taking place.

A synopsis of what I am faced with right now:

I handled her while at the reptile shop and she was typical carpet, cruising around checking everything out. I brought her home with an adult mouse and fed her (used a hook to get her out of the snake bag). I asked the shop if she was fed and he said he had not fed her and that they were going to last night. I ended up taking her home so figured I would just do it. I went to reach in and pick her up about 30 minutes after finishing her meal to transfer her into her new home. As soon as I moved within 2 feet of her, she struck. Startled me. So I grabbed the hook and began to move her that way. She was doing whatever she could to reach back and get me. I put her in her new home and have been watching her. If you get close to the tank she is very on edge and fidgety. Moving backwards and being very opposing to any attention. I do not want to stress her so I am leaving her be and trying to just observe her movements. I am open to any and all ideas on what I should do or techniques to acclimate her. As of now I plan on just letting her do her thing for a week with minimal interaction and hope that she calms down.

Sorry for the question along with my introduction seeing I am sure this has been asked time and time again. She is a beautiful creature and want to do whats best. I am constantly learning and see that not 1 experience holds true for every person. Many different things work for many different people. I am looking forward to growing with all of you and being a part of the Morelia owner family on here. Thank you all!


EL Ziggy
09-08-15, 03:39 PM
Welcome and best wishes Tom. I'm new to team Morelia also but I think you're on the right track. I've also read and heard they can be a bit nippy when they're young. Just give her time to acclimate and a few good meals. With patience and consistent, gentle handling your girl will most likely calm down. My coastal hasn't struck at me once but he did musk me a couple of times. I'm getting my jungle in a couple of weeks. I hope it's not too bitey but I've got some gloves he can chew on til his heart's content. Best wishes and let's see those pics! :)

09-08-15, 07:45 PM
Your description of your carpet sounds like my young male carpet. I "resolved" the issue by offering more food more frequently and tap training.

09-08-15, 09:07 PM
Welcome and best wishes Tom. I'm new to team Morelia also but I think you're on the right track. I've also read and heard they can be a bit nippy when they're young. Just give her time to acclimate and a few good meals. With patience and consistent, gentle handling your girl will most likely calm down. My coastal hasn't struck at me once but he did musk me a couple of times. I'm getting my jungle in a couple of weeks. I hope it's not too bitey but I've got some gloves he can chew on til his heart's content. Best wishes and let's see those pics! :)

Thank you! I am trying my best with her. Im just anxious to get her out and about. I was working in the cage today and she wasn't super defensive or trying to flee so I hope thats a step in the right direction.

09-08-15, 09:09 PM
Your description of your carpet sounds like my young male carpet. I "resolved" the issue by offering more food more frequently and tap training.

I havent had her very long but I will take your advice and definitely make use of the hook. Thank you!

09-08-15, 09:21 PM
Added their photos to my post on the Introductions tab....
