View Full Version : I've joined the club
09-05-15, 11:57 AM
As some of you know I've been looking into a boa. Today was the day I took my new addition home. Meet little Banzai, he was purchased from Nagy reptiles I highly recommend them. Very easy to deal with, thanks again Darryl. He is a male poss super hypo jungle, weighing in at 124g of cuteness. Seems to have survived the long drive okay, did a lap of the cage, stared at me for awhile then went exploring some more. I didn't want to hold him to long so took a few quick ones while I setup the scale. He didn't want to get put back down and curled around my fingers.
09-05-15, 12:05 PM
Congrats and welcome to the club! Awesome looking boa! Be careful, having boas can be quite addicting lol.
09-05-15, 12:09 PM
Awww cute little one! Congrats, constrictors are great, but a little too big and too heavy for me :D
09-05-15, 12:12 PM
Congrats and welcome to the club! Awesome looking boa! Be careful, having boas can be quite addicting lol.
SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol thanks
Awww cute little one! Congrats, constrictors are great, but a little too big and too heavy for me :D
Thanks, this little squirt is barely noticeable in your hands but eventually he will be bigger. Won't be a giant though dad is around 5.5ft and mom 6.5 feet. He'll end up a nice comfortable size.
EL Ziggy
09-05-15, 12:35 PM
Congrats Blaze. Very nice boa.
09-05-15, 01:01 PM
Ooh very nice! Congrats :)
09-05-15, 05:34 PM
Earlier he was perched on the branch top center of the cage right under the LED strip and now is coiled at the back corner on the branch like a tree python. The LED is on a timer and is still on so he doesn't seem to be to scared. He has 2 hides and a few fake plants so plenty of ground cover but doesn't seem to want it right now.
09-06-15, 02:01 AM
Very pretty little boa, you're really going to enjoy him. IMO they're about the best handling snakes you'll find.
09-06-15, 08:50 AM
Daaaaangit!!! I just got over my last 'GOTTAHAVEIT'! And now you show me an animal I again...gotta mean!
Regardless, congrats on the beautiful Banzai. I look forward to seeing his uodates so I can live vicariously through you. =)
09-06-15, 09:09 AM
Very pretty little boa, you're really going to enjoy him. IMO they're about the best handling snakes you'll find.
Thanks, he was very easy to handle day of even after a few hours in his travel container. He was as relaxed as my BP. Just curled slightly but didn't hiss, strike or try and get away. He just looked around once I held him. Kind of like "oh man, okay fine". I've heard a few people say that, be awesome watching him grow up as his colours come out more.
Daaaaangit!!! I just got over my last 'GOTTAHAVEIT'! And now you show me an animal I again...gotta mean!
Regardless, congrats on the beautiful Banzai. I look forward to seeing his uodates so I can live vicariously through you. =)
You're welcome ;)
09-06-15, 09:14 AM
As requested Mink, this is how I found him this morning.
09-10-15, 07:40 AM
I'm glad your happy with him, and I have to agree that boas make the best pets! But I may be a little biased
09-10-15, 07:54 AM
Nagy....I so wish you were local to me XD
You have some beautiful babies for sure!
09-10-15, 08:16 AM
Nagy....I so wish you were local to me XD
You have some beautiful babies for sure!
Road trip lol
09-10-15, 08:17 AM
I'm glad your happy with him, and I have to agree that boas make the best pets! But I may be a little biased ��
He ate first try Tuesday.
09-10-15, 10:15 AM
Awesome! :D
I refer to my boas as miniature "garbage disposals." The only time they have ever not eaten is when in shed (which is fine since I never feed during that time anyway if I can help it).
He ate first try Tuesday.
09-22-15, 07:29 AM
Nagy....I so wish you were local to me XD
You have some beautiful babies for sure!
Thanks for the kind words :)
He is pretty and I love the name..Im the worst at naming pets.
09-22-15, 10:19 AM
Nagy if you wernt so far I would buy my Sunglow from you.
I always see you post on Facebook and it's got me droolin. :)
09-22-15, 11:30 AM
Wish I had the space for a boa constrictor. Such beautiful snakes. Can't stop drooling over all the pretty babies everyone keeps producing.
09-22-15, 12:04 PM
Nagy if you wernt so far I would buy my Sunglow from you.
I always see you post on Facebook and it's got me droolin. :)
Don't let distance stop you we can ship Canada for very reasonable prices :)
09-22-15, 12:10 PM
Nagy if you wernt so far I would buy my Sunglow from you.
I always see you post on Facebook and it's got me droolin. :)
Road trip lol
09-25-15, 01:37 PM
Finally got to take Banzai out for awhile. I wanted him to eat twice before handling him. He has eaten 3 times, every week so that's good. I've been to busy to hold him so today I finally got to. Snapped a few pics with my cell, some are slightly out of focus. He is such a little cutie, very calm while holding him. He just hangs out, looks around and slowly moves around. Didn't seem scared to be held, I could hold move my arm around to get a better shot and hold him near my face, he just flicked his tongue on my nose and just kept looking around. Very happy with the decision to buy this little guy, he still has a shy face. Can't wait to see what he'll grow in to.
09-28-15, 07:18 PM
He ate first try Tuesday.
Perfect , can't wait to see photos of him as he grows!
10-22-15, 05:55 PM
So took him out tonight to hold him a bit and weigh him. He now tips the scale at 177g from 124g day of arrival. Curious and active while holding him. Just held him for a few minutes and will build up from there. He is now exploring his cage again. Snapped a few pics of him when he remained still enough to focus. Sorry some are a bit blurry best I could get with a cell phone and a snake that wouldn't stay still.
10-22-15, 06:33 PM jealous!
EL Ziggy
10-22-15, 07:04 PM
Looking great Blaze!
10-23-15, 04:05 AM
He still has that cute like innocent face. Hope he keeps it as he ages. He's been a good feeder.
[/B][/B] jealous!
10-23-15, 10:33 AM
Ah youll find as he gets bigger the eyes wont seem so buggy and cute and he'll just get more handsome and sharp looking. He's gotta grow up sometime :P
10-23-15, 12:10 PM
Ah youll find as he gets bigger the eyes wont seem so buggy and cute and he'll just get more handsome and sharp looking. He's gotta grow up sometime :P
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you take that back right now!!!!!!!!!
His whole face just has a look of "I didn't do anything, you couldn't possibly stay mad at me"
12-30-15, 09:30 AM
Took the little guy out for a bit and snap a picture. Best true to colour I can get at the moment, it's grey outside today but it's natural lighting. He now tips the scales at 199g. He is also less flighty when I'm picking him up and calmer holding. He hung out still for a bit then started exploring instead of his usual attempts to get away before calming down.
EL Ziggy
12-30-15, 10:10 AM
He's looking good and growing nicely blaze.
12-30-15, 10:23 AM
He's looking good and growing nicely blaze.
Thanks, I think he is ready to go up a prey size. He has been on the same size since he was 124g.
EL Ziggy
12-30-15, 11:08 AM
What are you feeding him blaze? Rat fuzzys or pups?
12-30-15, 11:10 AM
What are you feeding him blaze? Rat fuzzys or pups?
Rat pinkies, mouse hoppers or whatever the ASF equivalent is.
12-30-15, 11:15 AM
Definitely looks ready for rat pups to me.
12-30-15, 11:41 AM
I'll try a pup this week and see how it goes.
EL Ziggy
12-30-15, 12:10 PM
Yeah I'd agree it's time to up the prey size. I know the metabolism and growth rates are different for boas and pythons but your guy looks like he could easily smash a rat pup. My carpet is 135g and he eats (2) rat fuzzys per feeding. I'm pretty sure he can take a rat pup as well but I still have a whole bag of rat fuzzys to finish off.
12-30-15, 01:04 PM
I'm paranoid of fattening up by over feeding so I'm cautious in my size upgrades lol. Read multiple times boas fatten easy and it's hard to thin out.
EL Ziggy
12-30-15, 01:25 PM
Slow and steady wins the race :). I don't power feed any of my snakes but I do feed them more liberally than some keepers.
12-30-15, 01:47 PM
My carpet slams her rat pinks down. She's got about 6 more to go (which is 3 weeks since I feed 2 at a time) and then ahe will be upped torat fuzzies if they are available at my local store. If not, then I'm going to feed a combo of rat pups and large hopper mice.
01-06-16, 07:06 PM
Well I've got a good update on little Banzai. He attacked his rat pups over the past 2 weeks. And it seems to have altered his behaviour like flicking a light switch. Where he was usually hanging out in the back corner or buried in the cypress under a plant or curled up under the fake plant he is now hanging out on his branch and comes to the front whenever I am in the room. As you can see in the first pic him staring me down last night. And feeding tonight and the bulge it left in his neck as he was swallowing. I'm very happy with these new changes. It's nice to see him in all his glory more often. It seems he is part tree python lol
Oh man you guys really need to stop posting such cute photos of these Boa's!, It's seriously making me consider getting one in the near future:blink:
01-06-16, 07:53 PM
Cant believe I havent seen this thread till just now. Ive been slacking I know.... I got the text from you that you picked it up but finally get to see a pic. Hes really nice!
Slow and steady wins the race :). I don't power feed any of my snakes but I do feed them more liberally than some keepers.
I agree with zig on a low feeding schedule. Id rather have a healthy lean animal for many years instead of powerfeeding and having a large animal for a shorter period.
01-06-16, 07:53 PM
I forgot to ask, is that a proper bulge for him?
Oh man you guys really need to stop posting such cute photos of these Boa's!, It's seriously making me consider getting one in the near future:blink:
Sorry no can do MUAHAHAHA
01-06-16, 07:54 PM
Cant believe I havent seen this thread till just now. Ive been slacking I know.... I got the text from you that you picked it up but finally get to see a pic. Hes really nice!
I agree with zig on a low feeding schedule. Id rather have a healthy lean animal for many years instead of powerfeeding and having a large animal for a shorter period.
Thanks man, I'm really happy with him. He handles well, is now more visible, nice colour and pattern and still has the innocent little face.
@Trail I just realised anyway that they are prohibited where i live :( Oh well, Looking at all these amazing photos will have to do :)
01-06-16, 08:37 PM
@Trail I just realised anyway that they are prohibited where i live :( Oh well, Looking at all these amazing photos will have to do :)
That's sad, I'll try and take some better pics with my DSLR. Hopefully I'll be able to upload the pics with decent quality.
@Trailblazer Yes please do, He's gorgeous and needs to be shown off more!! :)
01-06-16, 09:10 PM
I'll see what I can do on the weekend. Give him a few days to digest and well I'm home lately from work.
01-09-16, 03:07 PM
Not the best lighting but wanted to get a natural pose from him. Here is my Colombian tree boa lol
01-09-16, 03:09 PM
Hes really nice TB
01-09-16, 03:12 PM
Another shot
01-10-16, 02:17 AM
Looking great! Such a pretty face :)
01-12-16, 02:52 PM
I wish I could find sticks big enough for My girl lol
01-12-16, 05:03 PM
I wish I could find sticks big enough for My girl lol
I'm going to try and do that when he isn't a little noodle. Do they keep their desire to climb?
01-12-16, 05:08 PM
I find that most of my snakes even if not "arboreal" will still climb from time to time if given the opprotunity. Some of the heavy bodied ones like yours here may not sleep on branches when older they will still like to climb.
01-12-16, 06:00 PM
Good to know. Looks like I'll have a upcoming problem with climbing branches. Having a stable setup with a 1100g BP will be good practice but more refinement is needed.
01-12-16, 06:16 PM
In cases like that I like to use stumps with smaller branches coming off of them that way they have a heavy stable base. The pices of driftwood with slate bottoms from pet stores work as well I just personally find them pricey for what they are.
01-12-16, 06:45 PM
Good idea. The slate ones aren't heavy enough for my BP he has been able to tip them. A boa would be worse but I like the stump idea. Keep an eye out for one now that would serve the snakes in the future. I've got time to be patient.
01-12-16, 06:53 PM
Whenever I go field herping in summer months I also keep an eye out for those perfect sticks and branches to be used in enclosures. Once I get them home I treat them to ensure they are sanitized and cut them to fit the enclosure they will be for.
01-12-16, 06:58 PM
How do you sanitize large pieces of wood?
01-12-16, 07:08 PM
In the bath tub with a bleach solution. Once scrubbed a very very thorough rinse and good to go.
01-26-16, 08:59 AM
Little guy shed, and seems to keep the tree boa status. Didn't even go to the ground to shed. Seems I'll have quite the job making climbing branches to support his full size.
Beautiful animal for sure! Congrats on the little one.
02-09-16, 04:57 PM
Little guy shed, and seems to keep the tree boa status. Didn't even go to the ground to shed. Seems I'll have quite the job making climbing branches to support his full size.
He may just switch as he grows older and bigger to be less of a climber.
02-09-16, 05:23 PM
Congrats, beautiful coloration
02-10-16, 09:54 AM
Thanks he is a cute little guy.
@Aaron I've heard that before. It would be kind of cool to see the same behavior as an adult even if that becomes a challenge to create lol
02-11-16, 02:01 AM
Actually, I bought a hardcover book on boas some time back. I seem to remember reading that they aren't really inclined to stay on the ground, more often lurk in bushes or low trees, and strike their prey from above. Our BCI's are quite comfortable climbing and hanging about on branches at night, but retreat under cover through the day.
02-17-16, 04:51 PM
Mine seems to go through phases, sometimes he is up in the trees day and night and then on the ground for days. Last few days he buried himself in the cypress until he was fed then hung out in the open for a bit. I'll need to add some more cover him. Still tweaking the cage.
02-22-16, 08:27 PM
Update my worm is now 32" and 308g. He was 199g Dec 30.
EL Ziggy
02-22-16, 08:56 PM
Very nice Blaze.
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