View Full Version : Not using hides?

09-03-15, 07:30 PM
What do you guys think of not using hides? I'm setting up a cage for a baby retic, do you think not having a hide would get her used to me or feel stressed and vulnerable?

09-03-15, 07:38 PM
I would offer hides, especially for a new or baby snake. Only once they're bigger and more confident and choosing not to use them would I take away hides.

09-03-15, 10:46 PM
I have one and have kept retics in the past. Even though they won't need them verylng I ALWAYS provide hides. One on each the hot and cool side and depending the size of the cage some fake plants or something inbetween. They will uses those most of the time I else they are cruising around. So I short yes use hides for the benefit of the snake and reduce any unnecessary stress.

As far as her getting used to her just hook train her and handle her. I handle mine (hatched in May so still a baby) a few times a week for 10-15 minutes at a time and she is as docile and sweet as a BP.

09-04-15, 10:51 AM
I also would use hides, and offer hiding spots with fake plants or other types of decoration.

Most of the time my retic lays out in the open, but there are times when she uses her hides or curls up in her fake plant. I'm sure even as an adult she'd make use of them, although it may not be as often, so I personally would say yeah offer hides.