View Full Version : My two new bci..

08-26-15, 01:22 PM
I just got my two yearling boas yesterday from Caines Columbians. The pics are junk but my phone is junk so its the best I can do the blanket is a deep emerald green and looks blue in the pic. They are both very pink but the male is outstanding. Both are het albino.I think I like the names Jade and Jasper.

http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a75/gerbig4/jasperandjade_zps4sdbu8lg.jpg (http://s9.photobucket.com/user/gerbig4/media/jasperandjade_zps4sdbu8lg.jpg.html)

http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a75/gerbig4/jadejasper_zpsuh3wkubc.jpg (http://s9.photobucket.com/user/gerbig4/media/jadejasper_zpsuh3wkubc.jpg.html)

08-26-15, 01:52 PM
Congrat! Hopefully you can get better pics soon so we can see their true beauty =)

08-26-15, 02:08 PM
Beautiful snakes! I definitely plan on getting some sort of boa in the future(probably Suriname or Peruvian), and stuff like this just makes me want to do it now haha. But I'm sure they will be a lot of fun!

08-26-15, 06:51 PM
Thanks, I cant wait for them to settle in so I can start "playing" with them. They are both pretty mellow already. I will get my son to get a few good pics for me, he has a better phone.
Suriname boas are very pretty. I still love the hog islands too.

08-26-15, 07:41 PM
Jealous, researching a BCI now and plan to buy one in the near future. Still trying to sort out the morphs and locate a male that will stay manageable with a nice colour/pattern.

08-29-15, 09:18 AM
I had a boa before these two and she was awesome, very mellow and laid back, the kids could handle her and she had a very even temperament. I think these two are not going to disappoint me either. They make better pets then ball pythons, not nearly as shy or reclusive. My girl before rarely used her hide except when she was in shed.