View Full Version : Well it is starting to become a problem

RAD House
08-25-15, 09:30 PM
My first of two snakes ordered in the last two weeks arrived today. This is the first snake my wife has a had a part in picking out, so we ended up with our first female snake. She even picked out the perfect name for her. With the next addition I think I am at place where I have enough snakes to keep me happy while the care is not overwhelming.

This snake is the most inquisitive and interested one I have ever encountered, especially as this is her first day with us. She was out exploring her enclosure and watching me work since she arrived at 10 am. She readily took a large pinky this evening and is still out exploring. I know she would be a striking snake but I have to admit that I am smitten with the little gal. Introducing Bella Luna or Luna for short.

08-25-15, 11:47 PM
So, you have a beautiful new baby with a great disposition, what's the problem? Also, what exactly is she? Looks like a BEL from the pic.

RAD House
08-26-15, 12:03 AM
The problem is the collecting and the money spent. She is a black rat snake of course.

08-26-15, 04:26 AM
Looks like a lucistic texas rat if you ask me.

Congrats on the new edition. Hope she stays sweet for you =)

EL Ziggy
08-26-15, 04:33 AM
Congrats on the new addition MC. I thought it was a leucistic rat snake too. Now I know better. :)

RAD House
08-26-15, 07:10 AM
Sorry to confuse everyone. She is a leucistic black rat snake. I just like the juxtaposition of a white snake called a black rat snake.

08-26-15, 07:24 AM
Didn't know theu even had lucey black rats...cool. =)

RAD House
08-26-15, 07:27 AM
Minkness certain black rats and a Texas rat are now considered the same species so in a way you are correct. I chose a black rat due to reports of their temperament.

08-26-15, 08:28 AM
Ah, ok then. Like them fiesty? Lol

RAD House
08-26-15, 08:38 AM
O just the opposite black rats are known to be a little more docile than their lone Star brothren.

08-26-15, 08:47 AM
Ooooh, good to know. =)

Looking forward to some updates on your Lunar baby then! =)

RAD House
08-26-15, 02:20 PM
I will definitely get some better pictures once she settles in a bit.

08-26-15, 03:36 PM
She's gorgeous! Such a cute little wormie. She'll definitely try to talk you into getting more snakes.

08-26-15, 09:15 PM
Nice addition. This looks funny, morps ate crazy these days..

08-26-15, 11:49 PM
The couple wild adult black rats I've found were pretty easily handled. I kept one for a couple weeks back in college, found the feeding response rather funny compared to my red tail boa. Never showed any aggressive behavior toward me though, just a total spaz when (live) mice were offered.
Nothing wrong with collecting as long as you're caring for them properly. Money is relative, just don't spend more than you can afford.

RAD House
08-27-15, 10:53 AM
She's gorgeous! Such a cute little wormie. She'll definitely try to talk you into getting more snakes.
All the snakes are doing their best right now. They are all out of service right now either due to feeding or shedding.

Nice addition. This looks funny, morps ate crazy these days..
Yeah I don't think it is a new morph by any means, just not all that common.

The couple wild adult black rats I've found were pretty easily handled. I kept one for a couple weeks back in college, found the feeding response rather funny compared to my red tail boa. Never showed any aggressive behavior toward me though, just a total spaz when (live) mice were offered.
Nothing wrong with collecting as long as you're caring for them properly. Money is relative, just don't spend more than you can afford.
That is exactly what I am looking for, something active but not an a-hole. I am just content right now, I don't even feel the need to look at fauna or kingsnake. Who knows how long that will last.

EL Ziggy
08-27-15, 09:06 PM
You've got a fine collection of colubrids MC. :)

09-01-15, 12:40 AM
congrats on the new addition! I know what you mean...finding the right spot between enough but not so many that you clean cages all day. Anyway quite a little beauty, good choice!

Albert Clark
09-01-15, 06:41 AM
Cool pick up MC! I always thought all rat snakes were on the aggressive side.

RAD House
09-01-15, 07:34 AM
Thanks everyone. As for aggression there seems to be a lot of contradictory information. The consensus seems to be that the texas rat is one of the most aggressive animals, but plenty of people say their adults are puppy dog tame. Asain rat snakes seem to be known as having bad attitudes, but again some have great luck with them. The black rat snake, which is technically the same species as the texas rat, are known to be calm and handleable as adults even as wild caught. Corn snakes are also rat snake and are world renowned for their great temperament. Both the Bairds and Trans-pecos rat snake are also know to have great dispositions. Those are the species I have looked into at least. Sometimes it seems to come down to a specific snake, my girl seems to be calming by the day. Also this is just a theory but you may hear about more nightmare snakes just due to the fact that there is a story.