View Full Version : Please Help EARPS Out!

08-22-15, 09:17 AM
Hello, my fellow snake lovers. I know I don't post nearly as much as I should, but I would love if everyone took a few minutes of their time, to read the following, and help EARPS out. (www.earps.org (http://www.earps.org)) They are an amazing Rescue, and have rescued so many wonderful critters, including my own beautiful cornsnake Tetris.

I would like to talk about one of my favorite animal rescues. Exotic Animal Rescue & Pet Sanctuary (EARPS, Inc.)! In the past year alone, they have rescued over 600 different animals, from pet rats, to degus, to ferrets, to hamsters, to snakes, turtles, fish, birds, alligators, rabbits, lizards, and more! They pull the majority of their animals from shelters that are not equiped to handle the exotic pets, and the majority of them have some form of illness, injury, or need to at least be spayed or neutered.

The funds needed to help these guys are all out of the volunteers pockets, and money that is donated. We are working on different fund raising ideas to help cover the costs, which as of this moment, EARPS owes over $6000 in vet bills alone. One of the ways we decided to raise money, is to set up a Gofundme account.

We ask everyone, to have it in your hearts, to help these animals get a second chance at life,by donating just $1.00. and share EARPS story where ever you can. If everyone who eventually reads this, donates $1.00, we would be able to pay a good chunk of the debt off.

Here is the link to their gofundme account! Please help these animals get the care they need, and allow EARPS to continue rescuing more EXOTICS!

EARPS Injured Animal Fund by Carolyn Butera - GoFundMe (http://www.gofundme.com/EARPS)

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