View Full Version : larger cage sizes and options.

08-22-15, 07:39 AM
I am wondering if a larger snake(female boa) would do just as well in a double decker 4ft cage? So instead of a long 6ft/8ft cage she would have a 4ft long with a second story. The cubic feet of floor space would be the same as a 8ft cage just not continuous.

08-22-15, 07:56 AM
If you made it double-decker, I'd make the enclosure wider than 2' to accommodate her size when she curls up on either level. Theoretically it should work, I plan on doing something similar with my retic when she's an adult, just with bigger dimensions. I haven't actually done this with any of my snakes, so I'm not sure if it would work. 4' should be fine, but they also like their floor space so if you could I'd still offer a 6'x2' floor space for both levels if you could. Although the snake has the option to climb, it will be cramped on either level when it exceeds 6' and won't have room to crawl unless it's up. So I'd also offer adequate floor space.

Jim Smith
08-22-15, 08:07 AM
I'm certainly no expert, but I'm not sure it works that way. When you consider the size of the cage for a large constrictor, you're looking for floor space or the "footprint" of the cage. Using your theory, it would suggest that a 2x2 cage with three stories would work equally well. I think the idea is to give them room to stretch out at least 1/2 of their body length. Just my two cents worth...

08-22-15, 08:53 AM
Ok, thanks so much. I can give her a six foot cage it just would have been convenient for me to go up.

08-23-15, 07:53 AM
You can still go up, just provide proper floor space for the snake's size as well.

08-25-15, 09:04 PM
You could do a 6x4 wide with an extra level that is 2x4 and however tall you wanted. You could a big full sized tree in there. Could be neat.