View Full Version : need help with hognose....quick <please>

02-20-03, 08:26 AM
Im having a problem with my western hog.
He is very lethargic, not eating, not drinking and seems like he is just about to die.
I took him into the vet and they gave him a dehydrating fluid injection and some antibiotics.

But heres the thing. I keep finding these "things" in this enclosure. THey are little globs of white circles that are very mushy. They are homogeneous all the way through and Im 99% sure they arent alive. I have cut them open and they look like mashed potato all the way through, and they are not moving. I dont know where they are coming from, but his enclosure is spotless, and i figure he is probably deficating them....but they are all alone, they are not combined with al stool.

I took one of the globs to the vet and they had no idea what it was, so now im at a loss. Im trying to figure this out quick, cause i dont think he has too much time left.

Has anyone ever seen this before?
any suggestions as to what these things are?
...or what i should do in this situation?

thanks very much!

jason h
02-20-03, 08:41 AM
it may help if you have any pics,someone may know if they see one

02-20-03, 08:42 AM
ok, ill try!

02-20-03, 08:52 AM
here a bad pic of it, it is flattened out cause i tryed to look inside, it is usually more rounded, if anything looks familiar please let me know



02-20-03, 01:37 PM
You should try and get in touch with Dennis Desmond at www.hognose.com

Simon R. Sansom
02-21-03, 03:13 PM
Thats really bizarre. Do these deposits have any type of odour?
I don't know what they could be.
