View Full Version : May get a Boa

08-06-15, 12:50 AM
Hello fellow reptile lovers ! So this weekend is the Reptile Super Show and I most likely will pick up a BCI and I just wanted to know what kind of questions should I ask the breeder ? Anything would help ! Thanks guys ! :)

08-06-15, 09:29 AM
What prey the snake was eating (best to get a feeding record), is it shedding well, were there any problems with health, and ofc is the snake familiar with handling. I will also ask about how the snake reacts in cage, as a lot of boa's are cage defensive.

08-06-15, 09:57 AM
If it's for a pet here's a list of questions.

1. What is it eating?
2. How often is it eating?
3. How docile is it?
4. Any problems getting it to eat from the start?
5. Any health issues?

Personally when I buy snakes I only really care about #4 and maybe #1. I find when buying babies that I can easily switch them to my preferred feeding methods and I can check for most health issues. Mites are pretty much the only one I really look for at a show and signs of RI.

08-06-15, 11:46 AM
Okay , Thanks guys ! I'll be sure to ask those questions ! Again thank you :)

08-06-15, 08:25 PM
Yeah, I ask how often it's eating and what size of prey it's eating, when it was born, and if it's a morph that I'm worried about how it will turn out as an adult I will ask to see photos of the parents if they have them on hand (haven't had use this one much, though). I'm not so worried myself about shedding or attitude, shedding can usually be fixed with proper husbandry and most snakes outgrow a bad attitude.

I also make sure to check the snake out head to toe, looking at vent, belly, chin, face, etc. for any signs of crustiness, damage, discoloration, stuck shed, etc. Feeling body tone and grip is also good indicators of health.

Other than that, I strike up good ol' conversation and that can sometimes help in a decision. If they use questionable husbandry methods, or laugh off diseases/injuries, etc. I'm wary to buy from them.

08-07-15, 01:34 AM
Alrighty, I'll keep this all in mind this weekend ! Thank you so much

08-07-15, 08:06 PM
Boas are great snakes, I think it should work out great. I would get one eating frozen thawed already.

08-08-15, 09:00 AM
The normal questions I ask are:

1). What is it eating? and How often?
2). How big were the parents? (if the seller had bred them, solely so I have a rough estimate of how big the snake may get).
3). Health issues?
4). How big of an enclosure/what type the seller was using? What type of substrate? (More for online purchases. I know shipping/moving is stressful, so for a time I mimic the sellers housing as best I can and what I feel comfortable with to minimize the stress of a new environment/smells on the animal(s)).

I personally love boas and I know you will too. :)

08-08-15, 10:14 AM
Awesome ! Once again Thank you guys !

Albert Clark
08-08-15, 02:00 PM
Also, if they claim that the animal is het for something what kind of proof can they produce to prove the het genetics. Are they willing to put the het status in writing with a guarantee? This is where the pictures of the parents comes in and pictures of the parents locked with a visible intromission. Remember ,you are the customer ,and should have your questions comfortably answered. Maybe even a picture of the clutch identified as what it's being sold as.

08-09-15, 03:00 PM
Is there a cumulative post of questions to ask about a snake before getting it?
Perhaps a decent start for a sticky post? I know I would like to have a list when considering.

08-09-15, 04:30 PM
I like the idea of a sticky post. I forgot to ask a lot of things when I bought Chaska....which is why I can only guess at her age, haha!