View Full Version : Rescue

08-04-15, 12:08 PM
Little guy im caring for atm. Lawn mower accident cut up his back and side.
The back seems to be of most concern right now. Hes doing pretty good so far, active and just shed. Im worried of possible internal injuries. Most important thing is just keeping everything clean. Got some help over at Thamnophis.com

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af280/drumcrush1/20150802_130338_zps2frmguws.jpg (http://s1015.photobucket.com/user/drumcrush1/media/20150802_130338_zps2frmguws.jpg.html)

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af280/drumcrush1/20150801_204343_zpshko8zqfw.jpg (http://s1015.photobucket.com/user/drumcrush1/media/20150801_204343_zpshko8zqfw.jpg.html)

08-04-15, 12:25 PM
Poor baby =(

He looks pretty good for getting into a mower though, so I'm sure he'll do fine. =)

Looking forward to some good news!

Also...I swear by neosporin >_>

08-04-15, 12:29 PM
Im just glad that he wasnt any bigger, or else he could of really gotten mangled up. I actually hit a large adult about a month ago :( my grandpa owns and lives by a patch of woods so snakes and frogs are everywhere, bound to hit some sometime:/

but yeah, I started with neosporin but I was told that since it is a bit oily, it can harm the scales so I am getting Betadine from my moms work (works at a hospital).

08-04-15, 01:53 PM
I am glad you are going to help it. I was going to start up my mower this year for the first time. but I decided to flip it over and check that the blade was in good shape for the year well I found a couple of baby garden snakes in it. I am so happy that I didn't start it right away. they were so small I doubt I would have even seen the bodies coming out the mower. good for you it brings a smile to my face to see one who cares.

08-04-15, 01:56 PM
I am glad you are going to help it. I was going to start up my mower this year for the first time. but I decided to flip it over and check that the blade was in good shape for the year well I found a couple of baby garden snakes in it. I am so happy that I didn't start it right away. they were so small I doubt I would have even seen the bodies coming out the mower. good for you it brings a smile to my face to see one who cares.

thanks:p this is definitely the time of year for baby snakes lol

EL Ziggy
08-04-15, 08:36 PM
Great save Kyle.

08-04-15, 11:42 PM
Poor baby, hope it heals up nice! Do you plan on releasing it when it heals, or will that be determined on whether or not it ends up being permanently hindered from the injury?

08-05-15, 10:16 AM
Poor baby, hope it heals up nice! Do you plan on releasing it when it heals, or will that be determined on whether or not it ends up being permanently hindered from the injury?

I'm sure he will heal up nicely, I don't notice any restrictions with movement as he is pretty active.

If not, I will have to find some place to take him because if he's a Butlers garter, he's endangered in indiana.

08-05-15, 10:17 AM
Good news! He managed to down a small nightcrawler, almost two UT he dropped the second one and wasn't interested after that:/

08-05-15, 02:42 PM
Aww, good luck with the little fella!

I was curious as to how to tell if he was a Butler's or not and found this: "These features do little to distinguish them from most other garter snakes species, but the placement of the lateral, or side, stripes is unique to this species. In Butler's garter snakes, the lateral stripes are centered on the third scale row up from the ventral scales, and they also overlap the adjacent second and fourth scale rows. This contrasts with the lateral stripe placement of other garter snake species."


Albert Clark
08-05-15, 02:50 PM
Good luck with the rehab of the garter. Thanks for the research Obs. I know he is in good hands with dc.

08-05-15, 03:56 PM
Thanks guys. Steve over at the garter snake forum helped me identify him. I thought he was an eastern lol, never thought I'd come across a Butlers for how rare they are.

Albert Clark
08-05-15, 04:23 PM
Great! Yeah, with the research that Obs did about the lateral scale count I was able to see from your picture it was a Butlers. The state will be thrilled with the work you are doing with a endangered species. Congrats.

08-05-15, 04:30 PM
Yeah, I hope so lol

08-06-15, 11:59 AM
He passed the nightcrawler today, already lol. So it seems that the insides are working just fine.

08-06-15, 08:07 PM
Good to hear! I'll be rooting for a full recovery from this little one. :)

08-11-15, 12:18 PM
Little guy just took down another nightcrawler!

08-11-15, 12:58 PM
Poor little guy. Sounds like he's doing ok though. He'll recover in no time!