View Full Version : Heat mat pulse stat probe position

08-04-15, 10:35 AM
Hi, I don't know if this is the right place to post this, please move it if it isn't. I have a young royal python in a faunarium setup with heat mat and microclimate pulse stat. I have the temp prob sitting just to the right of the heat mat on the outside of the faunarium. Is this the right place to have it?

Thanks :)

08-04-15, 04:35 PM

08-04-15, 07:08 PM
Most people attach it on the inside of the enclosure directly on the glass where the heat mat is located. You can also attach it directly to the heat mat on the outside, though. Beside the mat it won't be detecting the highest temperatures, which are the biggest concern.

08-05-15, 09:34 AM
Thanks, I wasn't sure so i thought i would check. Ive sat the probe on top on the heat mat now.

Albert Clark
08-05-15, 03:27 PM
Honestly, for the most accurate control of the heat coming off your mat is to place the probe directly between the mat and the glass. That may mean you have to pull part of the mat away from the glass to effectively place the probe. Then secure it with foil tape. In any case the probe belongs between the mat and the glass. Outside of the enclosure is also important.