View Full Version : Don't know what to do.

02-20-03, 12:45 AM
Hi everyone. My snake TITAN (Common RTB) has been breathing funny (light mur-muring/clicking noise) since early January. Im pretty sure it's RI.
There's no liquid around the mouth area, and the temp during the day is around high 90's F. During the night the basking lamp spot is around 100F and 80-85 cold spot. My good friend Nuno says to keep up the temp and eventually it'll go away. Now if TITAN doesn't get better soon, should I start getting worried, or should I just go to the vet and get the proper vaccine for RI?

Please let me know what you think.

Thanks everyone.


02-20-03, 01:15 AM
Paolo, you should be maintaining a constant 100-105F day and night for a couple of weeks I also suggested to raise the humidity. When I first seen the BCI he had a acute case of RI so I suggested to boost the temps and humidity for about a week or so. The BCI had no mucus and was weezing very faintly, sometimes RI can be present for a few months.You mentioned your room has a draft coming in that could be the problem. You should go to the vet he'll give you some antibiotics and your snake will be better.


02-20-03, 01:18 AM
Have you contacted the guy you got the snake from to see if any of his other boas has RI?

02-20-03, 01:21 AM
"""" heat and humidity"""" is very important to the home cure of RI...you must do what nuno is saying he knows what he is talking about ...and so do i when it comes to boas ....hehe i have one prego female common boa right now yepppy..lol
ok i'll shut up now !


02-20-03, 08:34 AM
I have always heard you should LOWER the humidity, not raise it, when dealing with an RI...

Snakes don't have a diaphragm, so they cannot cough up mucous, which I would think more humidity would create.

02-20-03, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by J_Riley
I have always heard you should LOWER the humidity, not raise it, when dealing with an RI...

Snakes don't have a diaphragm, so they cannot cough up mucous, which I would think more humidity would create.

I have never heard of lowering the humidity, and often times the cause of the RI is low humidity. I also have to disagree in that I have seen snakes hork up some pretty big boogs before with my own eyes (and heard it very clearly with my ears) :medpuke:

02-20-03, 02:16 PM
Raise temps and humidity...if that fails get Baytril


02-20-03, 04:29 PM
Thanks for the help everyone.

02-20-03, 04:31 PM
Does anyone actually know the reason why snakes get RI?

02-20-03, 04:56 PM
quite common in the winter, just raise the Humidity (heat of course 90-95 ambient NOT 100-105) spray twice/three times a day! also what substrate are you using?

02-20-03, 05:01 PM
Some of the reasons snakes may get RI's are low humidity, stress, improper temps, and from other snakes.

The temps should be higher than the normal 90-95 degrees. What this is doing is - for lack of better words - giving the snake a fever to be able to fight off the sickness, same as we do when we get sick, but because they cannot produce their own heat, we must give them the means to do so.

02-20-03, 08:02 PM
Rethius> The substrate I'm using is by Exo Terra - Jungle Earth - Natural Terrarium Substrate. It says that it's good for humidity and it's 100% natural.

Thanks for answering my question Linds. Here's another one for you...How do you change the picture underneath your user name.

Thanks for the replies everyone.


02-20-03, 08:56 PM
I don't know anything about RI's, so I won't offer any advice there...

But to change your avatar, go to "Profile" in the menu above, and then I believe that it's under "Edit Options"... you can either resize your own picture to fit in there, or you can use one of the many great ones that are already on file...

02-21-03, 12:11 PM
Yup. Just like clownfishie said, its all in your profile ;)

02-21-03, 01:13 PM
Thanks clownfishie.

02-22-03, 01:24 PM
Your substrate COULD be the problem. Some substrate (when dry) can be inhaled by the snake! if you ever worked with dry peat moss, you know the black boogies you get, snakes have the same problem, but it causes RI. as for temp, boas with RI I keep the ambient temp at/around 90-95 while the hot spot is about 105, cooler end 90. this has worked well for me!

P.S I just Bought another guyana!!!:p