View Full Version : this makes me SICK

02-19-03, 10:21 PM
have you guys seen the new reality T.V show "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" it is just wrong man they give celebereties a minamum rashion of food rice and beans and to get any thing more they have to do a chalange. Tomarow they will decide to who will do fridays chanlange.......... it gets better the chalange is to go and swim in a crocodilie pit and get a star at the bottom of the pit. Someone could realy get hurt doing somthing like that
man I worked with alligators they are known as the puppy dogs of the crocodilian world and I would not go swiming whit them. Whats wors is that the host of the show is actualy jooking saying " hey one of our contenders could actualy get eaten you would not want miss that" No I would not want to miss that cause if I hde the money I would sue the the show for cruelty to animals and recles endagerment I dont know if any one shares my oppinion so lets see who does. And suposibly the chalenges are only gona get worse

02-19-03, 10:25 PM
I saw that, and there's no way that was a real crocodile...it wasn't moving right (only moving it's head and always the same way) and the close up of it's eye looked like a glass eyeball stuck in a rubber face...plus, there's no way they could actually have those people swim with a real crocodile legally...it has to be a total crock (no pun intended)

jason h
02-19-03, 10:42 PM
they already did that caimans in a tank on fear factor:confused:

02-19-03, 11:05 PM
dose anyone have a recording of it i will pay you for it ?????

02-20-03, 11:35 AM
o.O I never did care much for reality shows.

02-20-03, 11:47 AM
http://www.nbc.com/nbc/Fear_Factor/stunts/stunt_217_allstar.shtml (http://)

This is the caimen show.http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/950217_stunt_alligator.jpg

02-20-03, 11:47 AM
i hated when on fear factor they had to seperate the yellow(i think they were yellow) rat snakes from the garter snakes, they were whipping the poor things into the other tank:(

02-20-03, 11:54 AM
Me too snakeman. That made me sick and I will never watch fear factor again because of it. it really bugs me the way animals get exploited for the sake of the almighty-friggin-dollar.

02-20-03, 04:19 PM
theres this show "fort boyard" over here! they have a "snake pit" filled with mostly corns balls and garter snakes! the dude whos there to freak them out calls them adders!:D SO funny! but the thing is the small ones are with big ones and i bet nobody thought about the snakes eating each other or fighting! imagine how stressful it'd be for the poor lil critters! but the snakes are never thrown around though, cuz theyre too scared to pick them up:)

02-24-03, 07:51 AM
have you ever noticed it,s not to bad for ppl when they see snakes but when they pull out the burms all hell breaks loose

02-24-03, 03:08 PM
Fear factor also did one with a bunch of corns and milks in an aquarium full of water and apples. The people had to "bob" for the apples in a tank full of snakes. I was scared one of the snakes was going to get bitten! The contestants were scared THEY were going to get bitten (lol). Of course, the corns were pretty freaked out and someone really could've gotten bitten in the face or eye, whatever. Really really sick show.

Another time they had contestants lay in a big tub in a swimsuit and they covered them with hundreds of rat, milk, king, and corn snakes for something like 3 minutes. Now, other than the obvious fact of the snakes eating each other (kings and corns???) and disease, it wasn't THAT dangerous to the snakes untill they had to get out of the tub. What if they squished some? Couldn't help but think though that I soooooo would've won that challenge! And I definately would've inquired about what was going to happen to the snakes after the show.

02-24-03, 03:36 PM
Fear factor etc. & all other reality TV shows SUCK & are made for people who have no lives. Anyone that gets off on the continual ABUSE of animals for the sake of (what they call) entertainment is %$#*ING SICK & I won't even say what I think should be done to them. If you are one of those who LIKE TO GET OFF WATCHING ANIMALS BE ABUSED, feel free to contact me & I'll let you know what I think in person. Sincerly Mark IsBell - GONE SNAKEE!


02-24-03, 03:45 PM
lol Yea sure, I'd really contact you after that Mark :p

Anyway, I DID see that show and I can't believe how STUPID it is.

First of all, when I hear "celebrity", I DON'T think of "Melissa Rivers" or "Stuttering John"... Those are the only 2 people I've even heard of. Second of all, the ONLY entertaining part was when Melissa Rivers flipped out because she claimed that the show was trying to humiliate her and the others. (Obviously!!)
This is by far the STUPIDEST show to come out of those reality tv writer's bums.
By the way, I agree that those crocs could NOT have been real.. His tail kept moving back and forth while he stayed in one place, and it kept "wagging" almost like a dog... :rolleyes:

Oh well, I say we get those writers some butt plugs.


02-24-03, 03:50 PM
Fear factor etc. & all other reality TV shows SUCK & are made for people who have no lives.
I don't like reality shows, but that is a bold statement. But take it for what it is and say that ALL TV is for people with no lives. Ya can't just say this show and that show are stupid and so are the people that watch it. Even though I can't stand 90% of the crap on TV anymore, thought I would play Devils' Advocate.

02-24-03, 06:26 PM
BWSmith, you are right TV is for lack of anything better to do. Each their own as far as shows go, but any shows that exploit animals with no reguards to their health/well being DO SUCK! I find most of my time spent watching the "idiot box" is on Discovery, Comedy network & of course my all time favorite Teletoon. I have too much reality in my life already without watching the crap "they" call Reality TV. If anything I watch TV to help escape reality! LOL! Mark I.

02-24-03, 09:27 PM
I think fear factor is a very stupid show. I have seen quite a few particular shows that make me sick. There was one where they had hundreds if not thousands of snakes in a tank full of water (it was kinda like a dunktank) the snakes included green snakes, cornsnakes, milksnakes, kingsnake and more. They also had a 10 foot burm in the tank. The object was to swim down to the bottom of the tank and pick up as many pucks with yellow painted on one side of them,in a certtain time limit. While the people dived into the tank snakes were kicked, hit etc. I was disgusted by this, these people have utterly no respect for animals.

As for BWSmiths comment I do not think that just judged just because they watch television. Whats wrong with watching TV, mant peoplelike to watch the discovery channel, documentaries...etc. They are educational and you can learn alot from them. As well Tv is a major way of communicating....ie news, weather...etc. I would definately not say that someone does not have a life just because they watch T.V.

Just my oppinion!
