View Full Version : Pneumonia - please help!

07-23-15, 06:02 PM
I took my 2 newest snakes to the vet because one sounded like an RI and I figured I'd take the other just in case since I got them at the same time from the same person.

Turns out one has a serious case of pneumonia! And it's the smallest one. Both are now being treated with injections every 3 days for 1 week then I will take them back for a check up or refill. I have upped their temps and their humidity and may very well do the same for ALL my snakes now just in case. I also added a cotton ball smeared in vix in a plastic baggie with holes to help ease their breathing a bit.

Does anyone else have other suggestions to help?

If the little one with the most severe case isn't better in a week, he will go into an oxygen chamber and continue medication at the clinic. I'd really prefer this not happen if at all possible.

07-23-15, 06:13 PM
Has a culture been done?

07-23-15, 06:19 PM
I would assume so since they got taken to the back and when they came back it was a pretty definite answer on what it was. They were back there for a good while too.

07-23-15, 06:23 PM
I would assume so since they got taken to the back and when they came back it was a pretty definite answer on what it was. They were back there for a good while too.

Wasn't then. It takes days to grow a culture and see what bacteria is there.

Get a new vet. They are lying to you. I suppose a URI could be called pneumonia but I've never heard of it before in snakes. Same with the vicks thing. Did the vet suggest that?

07-23-15, 06:27 PM
Found that on this forum a while back when someone was aski g how to treat a severe RI without seeing a vet. I believe you even commented that it might help with the symptoms but not the actual infection.

And I can't really just fire my vet. There aren't any others around that will see exotics. It's all dogs, cats, and farm animals in this area.

07-23-15, 06:29 PM
Found that on this forum a while back when someone was aski g how to treat a severe RI without seeing a vet. I believe you even commented that it might help with the symptoms but not the actual infection.

And I can't really just fire my vet. There aren't any others around that will see exotics. It's all dogs, cats, and farm animals in this area.

You're right. Vets need to be sought however there's chump vets and good vets. I believe as it stands until further notice that yours may be a chump vet.

07-23-15, 06:31 PM
Well thanks for your opinion. Do you have any suggestions on further care other than the medication, temps, and humidity?

07-23-15, 06:35 PM
Well thanks for your opinion. Do you have any suggestions on further care other than the medication, temps, and humidity?


I hope for the best.

07-23-15, 06:37 PM
Thanks. Me too. =(

07-23-15, 07:44 PM
For the record, it sucks your local vet doesn't seem up tonpar. You've done your part.

I use a university to discuss snake illnesses as they are a leader in herpetology in North America. Maybe there's one within driving distance of you.

If you have a local herp society or "old timers" they may know of a vet as well.

07-23-15, 09:19 PM
Mink...it's possible that your vet *might* have done a tracheal aspirate and from the goo he/she pulled from the trachea did a gram stain on it...that would at least show presence or absence of bacteria....but would not give you a sensitivity on what antibiotics would be effective if there was bacteria present. That's where the culture that Aaron was talking about comes in. And yep, it takes about 3-4 days to get back a culture and sensitivity report. Otherwise you're just pi$$in' in the wind (and I used dollar signs 'cause it's your dollars they are injecting needlessly)...Ask your vet how he/she came to the conclusion of "pneumonia", since that is a lower respiratory tract infection (LRI) and not an upper tract infection (URI). In people, we will use sputum cultures, x-rays, as well as other diagnostic tools to call something a true pneumonia...I'm guessing your vet didn't do? Let us know, and I'm hoping for the best for your snake!