View Full Version : UTH w/skinks

02-19-03, 08:58 PM
Do skinks have to have an UTH if the temps in the room don't go below 70?? I have a uvb basking spot for it, during the day and right now it does have one. But I want to move it into another cage without a UTH.

02-20-03, 03:02 PM
skinks like any lizard HAVE to have both the uvb and the uva/heating lights. that uva/heat is what helps them digest their food, and the hot side of the enclosure needs to be between 95-100 degrees. just keep that in mind...i would hate to see it suffer for the bigger enclosure. it may be more convenient for you, but not for it. sorry if that sounds rude...not trying to be:D just wanted to make you i got through...:D


02-20-03, 03:36 PM
ummm....if the temperature stays at a comfortable level for the lizard, even during the night, without the undertank heater, then it should be allright. for my lizards none of them have undertank heaters, just a mercury vapour heat bulb that emits uva/uvb during the day. but i keep my appartment fairly hot...id say it doesnt drop below 75* at night, and is usually warmer.
so basically use your judgement and get a hi-low digital thermometer and put it in the other enclosure before you put the skink in.
hope that helps.

02-20-03, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the help!!

02-20-03, 08:40 PM
Being a newbie i am easily confused. I see some of you are saying you have uva/uvb heat lights and that they are required for digesting. I was under the assumption that it was just heat that helped with digestion and UVA/UVB was for calcium production. The reason I am asking is I have a UVA/UVB floresent which gives no heat. Then I add a basking light and a Infared red for heating. Or are these lights also emitting UV rays?

02-24-03, 11:48 PM
Alright... Let me see if I can set the record straight here.

Your standard reptile specific FLOURESCENT (tube light): UVB rays necessary for producing vitamin D3 and metabolizing calcium.

Then you've got your INCANDESCENT heat lamp (screw in bulb): The majority emit UVA and warmth necessary for proper digestion and other day to day behaviour(s).

Recently, there has been made available to the herp market, a combination UVA/UVB "heat lamp" in the incandescent format... I find that these crap out more often than they work, and it has yet to be determined the functionality of this new product/device. Stick with the tried, tested and true until there are more tests and conclusive results.

With your set-up, Moose1960, you shouldn't have a concern with your leopard, given that you are providing all the other facets of proper husbandry.