View Full Version : Hiya! New here :3

07-21-15, 02:59 PM
Hello..I was told to post here so here I am.

I have always liked snakes since I was a little girl and my school went on a field trip and we got to hold or pet them and see some other reptiles as well.

Unfortunately since then all I've been able to do is stare at them in pet stores and look at them online as my parents really dislike them.

I still don't own any yet but I am hoping to be able to in the near-ish future so I am trying to learn as much as I can now. :)

07-21-15, 06:35 PM
Hi and welcome! Are you interested in any particular kinds of snakes or other reptiles?

07-21-15, 08:59 PM
Welcome! If you have any questions, there are many people here that will be happy to help you out!

07-21-15, 10:41 PM
Hi and welcome! Are you interested in any particular kinds of snakes or other reptiles?
Thank you! I am torn between a corn snake and ball python but very much leaning towards the ball python..their faces are so cute. Are there any other good beginner snakes I should look at?

Welcome! If you have any questions, there are many people here that will be happy to help you out!

Thank you! I'm sure I will have some at some point but will probably lurk for the most part for a while :)

I forgot to mention, although I suppose not really relevant, that I have a dog, 3 cats, and 6 fish tanks.

EL Ziggy
07-21-15, 10:54 PM
Welcome and best wishes Nin.

07-22-15, 09:09 AM
Thank you! I am torn between a corn snake and ball python but very much leaning towards the ball python..their faces are so cute. Are there any other good beginner snakes I should look at?

King snakes, milk snakes, and garter snakes are also very popular beginner snakes. Corns, Kings, milks, and to some extent garters have pretty much identical care requirements so among those choices it's mostly a matter of visual preference as you can easily find calm, friendly individuals in any of those groups.
Ball pythons are pretty different to deal with compared to colubrids and do have more particular care requirements, but they're still fantastic starter snakes. If you like pythons, spotted and children's pythons are also good for beginners.

07-22-15, 01:31 PM
Welcome and best wishes Nin.
Thank you! :)

King snakes, milk snakes, and garter snakes are also very popular beginner snakes. Corns, Kings, milks, and to some extent garters have pretty much identical care requirements so among those choices it's mostly a matter of visual preference as you can easily find calm, friendly individuals in any of those groups.
Ball pythons are pretty different to deal with compared to colubrids and do have more particular care requirements, but they're still fantastic starter snakes. If you like pythons, spotted and children's pythons are also good for beginners.
So many! And they're all so lovely. It seems like it'll be impossible to have just one, in the long run. I think out of those, besides the pythons, I like the corns & kings.
Can I ask how ball python's requirements are more particular? I did read that they go off their food or something around winter, I think? If I'm totally off I'm sorry. I'm having trouble finding info but I am pretty terrible at searching :P