View Full Version : Sister's Iguana

07-17-15, 06:46 PM
My older sister got a new green iguana and it is getting sick. I wanted to ask if they need the same time to settle in as a snake and other lizards do? Because... she has been handling it every day... and it has reduced it's eating habits. It has lost a good bit of weight and am worried that it is either majorly stressed or... eating roaches... which I know they are not supposed to have animal protein... my sister says the husbandry is fine too. Opinions? It has also recently began shedding, would this have anything to do with it? Also, it looks really small for its claimed age.

07-17-15, 07:05 PM
If they aren't supposed to have animal protine why is it eating roaches?

I'm no iggy expert, but I believe ALL reptiles should be given time to settle before being handled. Even my docile geckos get a week or two where all I do is feed, water, and spot clean.

May be stressed and on an incorrect diet that is aiding in his decline.

07-17-15, 07:17 PM
I felt the same way about the settle time:/

Not feeder roaches... small ones may or may not be getting into the enclosure through the top screen. :(

07-17-15, 07:20 PM
Romaine lettus, kale, banana, watermelon, grapes, and a pinky mouse once every two weeks for a treat.

Albert Clark
07-17-15, 07:21 PM
IMO, most lizards need a certain amount of uva and uvb lighting to stay healthy. Basking light also with temps in the high 90's to 100f. They are in need of vitamin d3 supplementation as well. I think they are more prone to MBD if these things are lacking.

07-17-15, 07:42 PM
I didn't want to say it before, but green iguanas are one of the last reptiles I'd recommend for most people who are new to reptiles. I'm not an expert on them, but I had some back in the day - when there was very little info on their required husbandry. They definitely need UVB, and eventually a very large cage. Many of them also turn out to be mean and/or flighty SOB's. That said, they're still cool animals and can be good pets for people that are dedicated and know what they're doing.

Like, I said, I'm not an iguana expert, so others can give you better answers on what, if anything, might be wrong. But they'll need a lot more details on how it is being kept.

07-17-15, 07:48 PM
Romaine lettus, kale, banana, watermelon, grapes, and a pinky mouse once every two weeks for a treat.


Iguanas aren't supposed to have any animal protein. Also any lettuce is mainly water and kale is very high in calcium for a staple. A good staple is a mix of collard , mustard, turnip and dandelion greens. Butternut and acorn squash are good staple veggies. Fruits should only account for less than 10% of the diet. Prickly pear is a great staple fruit. Here's a really good chart. Food Information Chart (http://www.greenigsociety.org/foodchart.htm) And another good one for feeding info Feeding Iguanas (http://www.greenigsociety.org/feedingigs.htm)

She needs to give it time to settle in. Iguanas don't usually tolerate change very well. They also need UV light and a vitamin d3 supplement, they are very susceptible to MBD. Specifics on the cage would be good...

07-17-15, 08:03 PM
My sister is using the uvb(not sure on uva but I think she is), baskinglight. I haven't heard her talk about the d3 suplements.... she suspects the people she got it from didn't give it the proper lights because of the size (she also mentioned MBD)

They are cool animals but I agree with you eminart. Not only do they get big, but are known to get mean. A beard would have been a much better choice or a garg or crested gecko (I suggested). I even talked about small snakes and leopard geckos to her. All easier, usually better tempermentaly, and safer with kids and animals. (She told me a story of one killing a good sized dog because it got too close to its terratory)

Especially since she had a water dragon a while back and it died. Of what, I have no clue:( she is really trying but I'm afraid she's putting it on herself by not letting the poor thing settle without handling. She's already made two trips to the vet, once about what looked like fungus, and this last time today because of this reduce appetite and weight loss. The vet said it was dehydrated as well and gave the iguana two shots to try to up the apatite. Before this, she was giving the poor thing a bath in the bath tub every week I think too:(

07-17-15, 08:12 PM

Iguanas aren't supposed to have any animal protein. Also any lettuce is mainly water and kale is very high in calcium for a staple. A good staple is a mix of collard , mustard, turnip and dandelion greens. Butternut and acorn squash are good staple veggies. Fruits should only account for less than 10% of the diet. Prickly pear is a great staple fruit. Here's a really good chart. Food Information Chart (http://www.greenigsociety.org/foodchart.htm) And another good one for feeding info Feeding Iguanas (http://www.greenigsociety.org/feedingigs.htm)

She needs to give it time to settle in. Iguanas don't usually tolerate change very well. They also need UV light and a vitamin d3 supplement, they are very susceptible to MBD. Specifics on the cage would be good...

The food she is giving him to eat is right (although there might be unintended food source) I know she has the uvb light but not sure of uva or suplements d3. She has it in a 55 gal tank with a screen with clips on the top. (The iguana can still move around in there pretty easily. She plans on making a new cage for when it is older and bigger) she has a humidifier hooked to the top and it's tented with painters plastic sheet to keep it in. Though I did just remember that it doesn't have any hiding spots... you can see it all the time even if it tried to hide. The heat lamps are on top of the screen but I don't trust what she is using to tell humidity and temp (stick on strips)

that is what I know. I don't think I'm leaving anything out.

07-17-15, 08:23 PM
I just found out that she has been putting it in the bath every day, not every week... I think she's stressing it to death... literally....I'm going to have to talk to her about this tomorrow... she doesn't know I posted this though. I hope she doesn't think just because I'm younger or not on a specialized iguana forum that she's the right one. Wish me luck and any pointers are welcome.

07-17-15, 09:00 PM
I don't have any helpful info to ad just good luck and you're doing the right thing. Many fish/reptile owners think they are caring properly for the animals when they're not. Many don't want to take the right advice. They think they know all. Keep trying and ask as many questions as you want.

07-18-15, 05:11 AM
Thank you y'all.

07-18-15, 05:26 AM
Bad news, my sister's lizard died before I could talk to her:( at least it's not suffering anymore. It must have been stressed beyond the last straw by the time I started this thread. Thank you all for the support anyhow.

07-18-15, 08:03 AM
Wow..Sorry to hear that :sad::no:

Albert Clark
07-18-15, 10:52 AM
Deepest sympathy for the loss. You tried to right the wrongs and you should be congratulated.

07-18-15, 02:33 PM
Thankyou, it is very apreciated. I only wish I could've helped sooner.