View Full Version : Substrate?

02-19-03, 06:54 PM
Just curious: what does everyone use for substrate?

Heather :D

02-19-03, 08:45 PM
I use paper towel.

02-19-03, 08:47 PM
Paper towel or newspaper

02-19-03, 09:09 PM
i use newspaper..

02-19-03, 09:24 PM
Reeeaaally...I use moss, and It seems hard for my crestie to move around in it....and the crickets can hide forever....should I change?


02-20-03, 12:41 AM
might be easier on the geckos to find the crickets and move around on too.

02-20-03, 05:36 AM
Heather I suggest using papertowel or newspaper like everyone else.... I don't, and I have to take my gecko out of his tank to feed him...

02-20-03, 03:20 PM
Hmmm ok....but how about nice green constructuon paper instead ?


Just Me
02-20-03, 10:06 PM
I can't tell if you're serious about that question...
But I wouldn't trust the dye in the construction paper.

02-21-03, 02:39 PM
lol I highly doubt she's serious..

Heather, is that Murdoch??? I know you said you took a pic where he's bright orange... but that's insane!! I remember when he was just a little tanny guy!! (Or gal... lmao)

AHHH only 1 min left.

02-21-03, 02:57 PM
i use regular carpet, and i have extras just incase they do their business, i have been using some reptilebark(bag has a kingsnake on it) but i dont like it too much.

02-21-03, 03:29 PM
LOL I was serious....Kids frigging eat construction paper (just me then?) so it's prolly not that bad...

YES! It is Murdoch!


Heather :D

02-24-03, 01:55 PM
HOLY CRAP! As if that's murdoch... I don't believe you.... THATS INSANE! Either that or SOMEbody's just discovered photoshop.. :p

Ahhaha I NEVER ate construction paper...... :rolleyes:......... ahem. Anyways Murdoch, eh?

I can't get over that orange.


PS - I'm gonna win :p :D

02-24-03, 03:52 PM
no, I discovered a 'vibrant colours' setting on the digicam...he's still gorgeous though :P

yah yah yah no you won't!

PS you missed out on a lot my not eating consturction paper...


02-25-03, 02:29 PM
Hahaha vibrant colours... funnnyyyyyyy :P

yes I will! (*cough*100 more than you*cough*)


PS - lol I did eat construction paper... only to see if it had flavour cuz regular paper was so boring.

02-25-03, 04:04 PM
construction paper is the best man :P

yah yah , you just wait!


02-25-03, 05:42 PM
doodoo dooo dooooo I'm twiddling my thumbs waiiiiittttiinggg!

MMM Especially purple... Did you put Murdoch on purple construction paper for that picture? I really cannot believe his colouring even if you DID you the vibrant colour setting.


02-25-03, 05:55 PM
no it's my fuzzy fleecy nightie....comfy! he had fun! :P


02-27-03, 09:54 PM
I find that the blue stuff is the least abrasive on the way down. I recommend blue construction paper. Man... You two have a lot of time on your hands, buy more herps *Kate and Heather*!!

I realize the advantages to using plain newspaper or the beautiful and conventional paper towel, but yet, with my Cresties, I feel compelled to use a combination of cypress mulch, sphagnum moss as my "naturalistic" substrate, and I decorate with a ton of artificial foliage and plastic and porcelain type logs and cork bark sheets for additional hiding areas. I tend to clean that **** out rather often to prevent a build up of bacteria due to the rather damp condition.

02-27-03, 11:43 PM
Mmmm... construction paper... I eat the red ones last. :D (great, now i'm craving smarties... and paste)

I use J-cloth, it's very effective for keeping the humidity up and it's easy to clean or replace.

02-28-03, 12:28 AM
heather, try using cardboard egg crates, cresties love it!, just angle it against a side wall and theyll be ur friends forever

02-28-03, 06:38 AM
LOL Katatonic... yea, we really have no lives. Oh well, it's funner than ..... having lives......................... ? (I wouldn't really know)

MM Now I want smarties too! Oh great :rolleyes: ... but not so much the paste bit, I was never into eating paste!

Better go to school (GRrr)

PS - Great idea paul!!

03-04-03, 09:34 PM
Go to school... Please... And stay away from potentially toxic school materials, such as desk cleanser or white out... By the sounds of it, you Crazy Crested keepers will eat about anything you can fit in your mouths!! Like owner, like pet.
Oh, I find that my ciliatus like those silk, artificial plants by exo terra, with the suction cups on them. They like to crawl up underneath them *because I put them on the wall of the tank* and nestle in there.
Cheers you psycho ciliatus keepers *cough*Katev*cough*Heather*cough*.
LATER Boys and Girls.

03-04-03, 10:56 PM
Wait a minute, Kate's not psycho!

thanks for the ideas...

Heather :D

03-05-03, 06:54 AM
WOW! Thanks Heather!!!!!!!!

**All the ducks are swimming in the water! Fa la la la la laaa Fa la la la la laaaa**


03-05-03, 06:58 AM
Oh yea, Katatonic, my friend once paid me 27 cents to eat a flower, and I did... Let me tell you, that yellow stuff does NOT taste good! haha this was this summer too...


PS - You're just as crazy as the rest of us! =P

03-05-03, 05:52 PM
maybe Kate is a LITTLE psycho....

I ate a mealworm for free....hmm...I want that pic, Kate!

The duck song rules...:D

Heather :w

03-06-03, 03:09 PM
you gals!


03-06-03, 03:26 PM
haha now Jazzey thinks we're nuts :P WAY to go Kate! :P

Heather :w

03-08-03, 08:11 PM
HOLY CRAP. You people *Katev and Heather* truly are nuts. I always thought there was something "SPECIAL" about Ciliatus keepers... lol now I know it's dementia!!!! You were paid 27 cents to ingest a flower... Wow... That's nothing compared to being paid $2 to eat a silkworm, or $0.50 to eat a superworm, or eating waxworms from nothing. Seems my rates are higher... LOL No crickets for me though... That **** tastes like vinegar for some reason. No thank you.
LOL OH geez... Crazy CRAZY ciliatus keepers. You two ladies need hobby, big time... Go join like a tap class, or basketball, or perhaps figure skating... Damnit I dont care, anything. LOL
LATER kiddies.

03-09-03, 12:57 AM
Ow! my little feelings! crushed! aaa!

:P I ate a mealworm for FREE and Kate has the picture! LOL we do have hobbies.....I've got a list somewhere I'll get back to you sometime....

KATE: katatonic only makes fun of use because he has 'insecurities!' and maybe he thinks HE's crazy....It's VERY late....

cresties are....the best....

Heather :w