View Full Version : Any vine snake owners?

07-08-15, 05:39 PM
Hey guys and gals

I'm strongly considering buying an Indo vine snake as my local reptile store has one already switched over to mice hoppers.

I've read a lot of inconsistencies about care on the few care sheets I could find.

What humidity do they need?

A Do they ever go down the the bottom?

B If no I'm considering a few inches of water and a waterfall feature to help with humidity. Is this a bad idea?

What temperature do they need as a hot spot?

Might have more questions later but that's the main ones. Want to get an idea for how hard/easy maintaining the right environment would be. My ambient humidity in my reptile room for the past few months has been 45-55%

07-09-15, 01:28 AM
They need a lot of space i know that. They're also rear fanged (I'm sure you knew that) as far as I know they don't spend a lot of time on the ground. I also believe they need slightly lower temps (mid 80s?)

So cool though. I'd keep them.

07-09-15, 04:33 AM
Ya I've read about the fangs but seems they are less evolved then hogs. They aren't hollow but serated and has to be chewed into you. The specific snake is calm. Never struck according to Karen.

I've read a few times about basking spots in the 90s. But the numbers keep changing by the care sheet.

07-09-15, 10:20 AM
Yea I have no idea. Really cool though. It's on my "probably won't keep it but would love to" list.

About rhe the temps just keep reading and average them out. Or ask Karen how hot she keeps it.

07-09-15, 11:37 AM
So I have mine in a 24"x24"x24" exo terra with the top sealed to retain humidity excluding where the heat and uv lights are. Both lights are needed. My misting system died so Im misting 2x /day. once its replaced it will be set to go on once an hour for 30-60 sec. You will want 2-3" of substrate to help retain humidity as well. I'm using a blend of coco husk and repti bark. temps should be mid 80s during the day then down to mid 70s during the night. humidity should maintain around 70-85%. I also have live plants in with them for which im using pathos and crotons. Tip to get your plants growing fast is to use turtle water. Its just packed with nitrates from the turtles and no chemicals like you would have in miracle grow or other fertilizers like that. Im sure if you go to your local pet shop they will have no issue with you filling up a water bottle with turtle water as thats how I get mine.

07-09-15, 05:11 PM
Yea I have no idea. Really cool though. It's on my "probably won't keep it but would love to" list.

About rhe the temps just keep reading and average them out. Or ask Karen how hot she keeps it.

I happen to have a tank that would work for one. And it's pretty damn cool looking and different. It was weird holding a snake so long but was so light i could barely feel it. I'll end up with 2 common ones so I'll mix things up a bit with a oddball lol

07-09-15, 05:19 PM
Sounds like a plan! Like I said I'd keep it. I think they're cool as hell

07-09-15, 05:24 PM
I haven't bought it yet lol just considering strongly

07-09-15, 05:30 PM
Dooo it.

Yes I'm enabling you.

Do it now.


How about now?

Do it.

07-09-15, 05:33 PM
Dooo it.

Yes I'm enabling you.

Do it now.


How about now?

Do it.

The both of you enablers. Pushing for me to get more snakes. You should stop by and give Adrian **** and tell him to hold it for me because you're working on it lol

07-09-15, 05:34 PM
Doooooo iiiiiit! Lol

07-09-15, 05:37 PM
I'm asking questions in the wrong place. You're all a bad influence on me. My wallet is giving you the frowning of a life time.

Watch "Frowning Of A Lifetime" on YouTube
Frowning Of A Lifetime: http://youtu.be/VEV0VTxEUsU

07-09-15, 05:41 PM
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!

07-09-15, 05:42 PM
The both of you enablers. Pushing for me to get more snakes. You should stop by and give Adrian **** and tell him to hold it for me because you're working on it lol

Both? Both who? I know not of what you speak.

07-09-15, 05:44 PM
Read the bottom of your sig ;)

07-09-15, 05:45 PM
Lol dude you're not helping. Ok well you are and you're not. I still don't know what I'm doing, i need to be able to keep it healthy.

07-09-15, 05:48 PM
One of mine came in with an RI. Im treating with batryl and its pretty much cleared up easy peasy.

07-09-15, 07:07 PM
One of mine came in with an RI. Im treating with batryl and its pretty much cleared up easy peasy.

Should really get a culture done and find out what the best antibiotic is to treat. Baytril is a catch all and sometimes doesn't do 100% of the job. Only 90% and the RI comes back.

07-09-15, 07:48 PM
Culture was done. Batril is what was prescribed. I had no way of getting it other than a vet.

07-09-15, 08:30 PM
Culture was done. Batril is what was prescribed. I had no way of getting it other than a vet.

Glad to hear. Well done.