View Full Version : Introducing Ivrina

07-04-15, 06:59 PM
I'm sure you all have already read how I got her. If not, check out the thread 'Oh...Emm...Gee...new snakes!'.

That said, here is my ivory female, Ivrina. She is supposedly 7 months old and only 70 grams. I was going to wait a week or two to try and feed her since yesterday had to have been stressfull with a new place, being treated for mites, and all that. However, tonight was feeding night for my others so figured I'd try and see if she took.

Boy did she take!!! Not one, but TWO mouse fuzzies! And when she was done, she was looking for more! I didn't give her a third though. Don't want to make her sick if she's been starved. But her appitite took me by surprise since my other BP took a month to eat and even now will knly take ONE mouse per feeding, then goes to his hide. Not Ivrina though! She took them with ease, ate them quickly, wanted more, and even decided to 'hang out' a bit until I closed her up and tucked her away.

I really hopw she keeps her laid back attitude. It would be wonderful to not have another jerk BP like Moko lol.

I figure either 2 mouse fuzzies twicea week or 1 rat pink twice a week will be a good growth rate feeding. Maybe switch it up and do 2 fuzzies one feeding then the pink the next and so on.

Also, checked her for mites. About half have already fallen off!!! I figure another soak in a few days and she'll be great on that in a few weeks. =)

EL Ziggy
07-04-15, 07:25 PM
Beautiful BP Mink and congrats on the successful first feed.

07-04-15, 09:21 PM
I have a knew BP.. gonna feed on monday.. he did not eat for a week now for the trip.. got here yesterday... how do i know if he wants 2 or 1 mouse...? You ofer and see if he takes.. or do you see it in them?
Congrats on your well done feed.. :D

07-04-15, 10:05 PM
Alex, as for feeding more than one prey item, the rule of thimb is to feed 10-15% of the body weight. Some people also go visual of the prey item being about 1.5 times the side of the widest girth od the snake. For my girl, I wanted to see if she would eat at all. So, I offered her a meal that is 1.5 times her girth. Knowing that she's already underfed, I decided to try and see if she would take another of the same size. Sometimes you're good and they will take it, and sometimes they just want 1 meal and you have a wasted feeder. Some people will refreez one time and try it again a week later. I have never refrozen personally as when I had a snake that wouldn't wat, I didn't know that was an option and so just threw it away.

Good luck with your new baby!

07-05-15, 09:22 AM
Alex, as for feeding more than one prey item, the rule of thimb is to feed 10-15% of the body weight. Some people also go visual of the prey item being about 1.5 times the side of the widest girth od the snake. For my girl, I wanted to see if she would eat at all. So, I offered her a meal that is 1.5 times her girth. Knowing that she's already underfed, I decided to try and see if she would take another of the same size. Sometimes you're good and they will take it, and sometimes they just want 1 meal and you have a wasted feeder. Some people will refreez one time and try it again a week later. I have never refrozen personally as when I had a snake that wouldn't wat, I didn't know that was an option and so just threw it away.

Good luck with your new baby!

You've done a great job. (I do however recommend Nix for mite treatments)

She'll do well for you :)

07-05-15, 10:28 AM
Thanks Aaron! Coming from you that means alot! Where does one get Nix?

07-05-15, 10:47 AM
Thanks Aaron! Coming from you that means alot! Where does one get Nix?

Local pharmacy should have it. It's lice treatment. You can google or search the formula on this site.

07-05-15, 11:00 AM
Oh cool. Do I need a prescription or is it over the counter?

What is the proper dose for a 70 gram snake?

07-05-15, 11:18 AM
Mix 1/4 of the bottle in 1L of water and spray everything. Snake included. Just ask the pharmacist for Nix lice shampoo.

07-05-15, 11:19 AM
Take away the water for 24h. Also treat everything you own, get rid of all substrates and spray all soft surfaces of your house.

07-05-15, 11:47 AM
Dang....mites get that bad?

07-05-15, 01:36 PM
Congrats! Beautiful BP!

07-05-15, 03:08 PM
Dang....mites get that bad?

Yes. When we go to a show, we spray the car, us, the animals, and the 8yr old.

They can stick around a long time if you don't get rid of ALL of them.