View Full Version : Burmese python question

06-26-15, 08:27 PM
nd bought a female burm about a year ago. Everything online says a yearling burm should be about 6 feet. However, this yearling is only about 4 feet. Is this something to be concerned about? Could it be a dwarf, likely to be male? normal? Any help would be appreciated.

06-29-15, 12:24 PM
Every animal is different. 4 ft in a year isn't abnormally small. Definitely not a dwarf though. They don't hit that length that quickly. I would consider it normal growth, just feed her and she'll grow.

06-29-15, 02:55 PM
Thanks for the reassurance. Everything online says yearlings could be eating large rats and this girl is still on smalls. I'm not comfortable giving an animal a large rat that's 4 feet. Thanks a lot, I appreciate it I'll let her grow in her own time.

06-29-15, 03:06 PM
You bet, pics of her?