View Full Version : Longest lifespan? Colubridae

06-25-15, 12:16 PM
Hi all,
I was wondering, which species of colubridae live the longest time? Of course I know that it all depends on proper care, good health of the animal etc.
For now on I can only think about corn snakes - up to about 20 years, but mostly around 15-18. Any ideas on species that can live longer? :)

06-25-15, 12:32 PM
Indigos can live up to 25 years. But, I'm sure there are species that live longer than that.

06-25-15, 01:20 PM
Ive heard of kings getting up to 30

D Grade
06-26-15, 02:33 PM
Kings have gotten near 30 years, more typical is around 20 years or a bit less.